So far 360,815 cases, 6,222 died and 332,952 recovered. 2,342 hospitalized, of which 396 intensive. 2,913 new infections Austria-wide.
Vienna. After yesterday’s 2,550 new infections, the number of people newly diagnosed with the SARS-CoV-2 virus within 24 hours in Austria on Thursday was again almost 3,000, with 2,913. The proportion of positive tests continued to be over ten percent on New Year’s Eve.
The new infections are divided among the federal states as follows:
Burgenland: 54
Carinthia: 193
Lower Austria: 638
Upper Austria: 495
Salzburg: 306
Styria: 374
Tyrol: 251
Vorarlberg: 173
Vienna: 429
73 deaths in one day
73 people died with Covid 19 infection. The number of intensive care patients remains just below 400 at 396, and the total number of hospitalized patients decreased by 65 and stands at 2,342.
In 2021, Health Minister Rudolf Anschober (Green Party) would like to get to under 1,000 cases per day in new infections still in January, he said in the current interview with APA. The average of the past seven days was 1,944, so today’s new increase still shows a strong trend in the other direction. On the last day of the year, there were still 21,641 active cases in Austria, according to Interior Ministry figures. This is again an increase of 878 (subtracting recovered cases and deaths), but in contrast, the average number for each of the past seven days decreased by 552.
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