A FFP2 mask obligation for example in the “Öffis”, a minimum distance of in the future two meters in the public area: The Coronavirus rules are tightened starting from 25 January. It is not yet clear how strict the controls will be.
At ÖBB, according to a spokesman, the fine-tuning of the controls of the FFP2 mask requirement is still underway. By Wednesday, one could already say more, it was said to wien.ORF.at. The penalty of 40 euros is expected to remain.
Currently, the mouth-nose-protection obligation is also checked in ÖBB trains in the course of ticket inspections; in the stations, this is done by ÖBB’s security and information staff. Basically, the mask discipline has been high since autumn at the latest, the ÖBB spokesman describes. There are currently around ten fines per day – throughout Austria.
A cloth mask will no longer suffice in the subway as of January 25
Wiener Linien plan training courses
More expensive it is the refusal of the mask with the Viennese lines with penalties of 50 euros. Since the beginning of the mask obligation in April 322 such penalties were issued – of it since November scarcely 80.
For the time being, Wiener Linien did not provide any details on how the upcoming obligation to wear FFP2 masks in public transport will be controlled. They are still waiting for the relevant ordinance. In principle, however, the approximately 330 security and service employees will be required to check the regulation as of January 25, according to the company.
The staff will be trained accordingly and informed about what an FFP2 protective mask basically looks like – which in any case differs from conventional mouth-nose protection or from a cloth or scarf. Also the personnel themselves will wear FFP2 masks, stressed a speaker of the Viennese lines to the APA.
In the future, a two-meter minimum distance will apply in public places.
- source: orf.at/picture: pixabay.com
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