Shortly before the announcement of the lockdown decision of the federal government, authorities report 1,500 new infections and 51 deaths.
October 2, 2020. This date is now increasingly coming to the attention of citizens and the government. Why? That day was the last time the number of new Corona infections was below 700 new cases, the mark the government said was a condition for ending the current lockdown. Since then, Austria has been posting four-digit Corona readings daily, recently settling at around 1,500 to 1,600 despite a hard lockdown.
The time until Monday – when there is supposed to be a decision on the end of the lockdown or a further extension of the measures – is getting very tight. And even today, Friday, the numbers are far too high for a lockdown: health officials report exactly 1,500 new Corona infections and 51 deaths in just 24 hours. This represents an increase in both infections and deaths from the previous day.
The new infections since the last report are divided among the provinces of Austria as follows:
Burgenland: 21
Carinthia: 144
Lower Austria: 233
Upper Austria: 258
Salzburg: 131
Styria: 242
Tyrol: 95
Vorarlberg: 61
Vienna: 315
To date, there have been a total of 411,730 positive test results in Austria. As of today (January 29, 2021, 09:30 a.m.), 7,658 people across Austria have died as a result of Corona virus and 389,476 have recovered. At present, 1,747 persons are undergoing hospital treatment due to the corona virus and 298 of them are in intensive care units.
— sources: and
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