Starting May 20, pregnant women will be vaccinated against the coronavirus at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV). Registration for this is possible from Wednesday. This was announced on Tuesday in a dispatch from Health City Councilor Peter Hacker.
The Corona vaccination of pregnant women in Vienna will use the active ingredient from Biontech/Pfizer.
At the initiative of the Vienna Health Association, the National Vaccination Committee had included pregnant women as a prioritization group in the vaccination schedule at the end of April. This means that it is now possible to provide women with vaccinations against Covid-19 from the 13th week of pregnancy.
The city then created a separate pre-registration category at the Immunization Service to assess the need for pregnant women willing to be vaccinated in Vienna. So far, 2,500 have registered for Covid 19 vaccination. 5,000 vaccination appointments are now being released for the target group.
Change of preregistration category possible
Pregnant women who selected a different group before the vaccination committee recommendation due to a lack of a suitable prenatal category can change this by logging in and changing their personal data. There, it is also possible to change the pre-notification category and subsequently book the vaccination appointment at any time, they said.
Due to the sensitive nature of the topic and the special needs of pregnant women, gynecologists will also be on site as part of this vaccination campaign in order to be able to conduct more detailed risk assessment discussions with those willing to be vaccinated. There will also be a special information sheet and a specially updated vaccination sheet for the women, among other things.
- sources: and APA/picture:
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