Sunday, 16 May 2021: Again only 673 new infections in Austria

Within 24 hours, 673 new infections were reported. The new infections are divided among the provinces as follows Burgenland: 8Carinthia: 43Lower Austria: 132Upper Austria: 94Salzburg: 33Styria: 118Tyrol: 58Vorarlberg: 65Vienna: 188 The value is far below the average of the past seven days (911). The seven-day incidence also continues to decline. Number of hospital patients declinesThere were 973 Covid patients in hospital on Saturday (as of 9:30 a.m.), down 19 from Friday, 321 of them in intensive care units. The positive rate of PCR tests reported within 24 hours (54,303 meaningful)…

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8500 new infections, seven-day incidence at 83.1

Health offices have reported 8500 new Corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within one day. This is according to figures from Sunday morning, which reflect the status of the RKI dashboard as of 05:34. For comparison, a week ago the figure had been 12,656. On Sunday, the case numbers reported by the RKI are usually lower, partly because less testing is done on the weekend. Because of the May 13 holiday, it should be noted when interpreting the case numbers that fewer people see a doctor on holidays…

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More side effects with mixed Corona vaccine

Those who receive two different Corona vaccines in their first and second vaccinations have an increased likelihood of mild and moderate side effects after the second dose. That’s according to data from an Oxford University study published in the journal The Lancet. The study examined cases in which either the AstraZeneca preparation was administered first and then the Biontech/Pfizer vaccine, or vice versa, at intervals of four weeks. In both cases, the frequency of mild and moderate adverse events was increased. “The results of this study suggest that giving two…

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Corona vaccine booster needed no later than 2022

According to the Permanent Vaccination Commission (Stiko), citizens in Germany will probably have to be vaccinated against the coronavirus again next year at the latest. “The virus will not leave us again. The current Corona vaccinations will therefore not be the last,” Stiko chairman Thomas Mertens told the Funke Mediengruppe newspapers. “Basically, we have to be prepared for the fact that possibly next year everyone will have to refresh their vaccination protection,” Mertens said. SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach expects immunity to last around six months after a vaccination. The…

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11.9 percent of Austrians, are already fully immunized

By March 31, 182.108 million euros had been spent on officially ordered PCR tests on suspected cases and the contacts of infected persons as well as screening examinations (for example in old people’s homes) alone, the daily newspaper “Kurier” reported, citing the Ministry of Health. The costs for personnel, test lanes, test kits and other material are paid partly by the federal government and partly by the provinces. Companies will receive a subsidy of ten euros per test, “making 28 million euros so far,” writes the “Kurier.” Pharmacies are reimbursed…

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644 new corona infections within 24 hours in Austria

The situation is increasingly improving: 644 new Corona infections have been recorded in Austria since Friday. This is far below the average of the past seven days (911). The seven-day incidence was 71.6 cases per 100,000 population. As of Saturday, there are 11,151 active cases in Austria, down 1651 from Friday. There have been 15 deaths since yesterday, according to the Health Ministry (seven-day average: 13.7 daily). Overall, the Covid 19 pandemic has claimed 10,470 lives in Austria since it broke out. Per 100,000 population, 117.6 people have died with…

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Can I toast with alcohol after my Corona vaccination?

Currently, there is hardly any other small talk topic than the Corona vaccination: Have you been vaccinated already? What kind of COVID 19 vaccine did you get? For many people, vaccination is a glimmer of hope in the pandemic – and therefore a reason to push. But does it make sense? After all, no one would want to diminish the effect of their Corona vaccination by drinking alcohol. After all, alcohol is a cytotoxin that can have a negative effect on the immune system. It is precisely this that should…

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Czech Republic recognizes foreign Corona vaccination certificates

Starting Saturday, the Czech Republic will recognize foreign Corona vaccination certificates – including the Austrian one. This will eliminate the quarantine and testing requirement. Although there is not yet a uniform, EU-wide Green Passport, some countries rely on in-country vaccination certificates. In Austria’s neighboring country, the Czech Republic, foreign coronavirus vaccination certificates will now be recognized as of tomorrow, Saturday. These include certificates from Austria, Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, Poland and Slovakia. As Foreign Minister Jakub Kulhanek announced on Friday, this is only a temporary solution until the introduction of the…

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Cultural Affairs Minister Raab: Adjustment of Corona agreement for public worship services

In the run-up to the opening steps by the federal government on May 19, Minister of Cultural Affairs Susanne Raab also agreed on Friday with all churches and religious communities on an adjustment of the existing agreement for the holding of public religious services. The previously existing protective measures (mandatory wearing of FFP2 masks, minimum distance of two meters between worshippers and sufficient disinfectant) are still valid. In the future, liturgical singing, which is important in the context of the performance of religious services, will be possible again, subject to…

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