Simplified PDF import and preview of the validity of the respective certificate in terms of 3G rules – the Grüner Pass app has received an update.
Guide to the Green Passport
The “Green Passport App” published by the Ministry of Health in cooperation with the Federal Computing Center (BRZ) at the beginning of July has received new functions. According to the ministry, these include, for example, a simplified PDF import of the 3-G Covid-19 certificates and a validation of the electronic signature. In addition, the “GreenCheck app” has now been released for Android, which can be used to check the validity of the “Green Passport.”
Green passport is always being developed further
“With the Green Passport, we have an instrument in our hands that has enabled us to take many controlled opening steps in Europe in recent months,” once again emphasized Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein (Greens). This will now be further developed “step by step” and made more secure and efficient for the upcoming autumn.
2.5 million downloads
To date, the “Green Passport App” has already been downloaded over 2.5 million times. “Although applications from the administration are often scrutinized particularly critically, we have received almost only positive feedback since version 1.1,” says BRZ Managing Director Markus Kaiser.
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