The Austrian government plans to start booster vaccinations in September. Now it is also clear what role vector vaccines will play.
The federal government on Saturday announced further steps on the Corona strategy for the coming months. Booster vaccinations will also play a key role in this strategy. Booster vaccinations for AstraZeneca and Johnson vaccinees, for example, are to be given at least six months, but no later than nine months, after full immunization.
This rough schedule also applies to high-risk groups, according to the federal government. In addition, “all other people” should be offered a booster vaccination nine to 12 months after full immunization, according to a statement on Saturday.
First studies already showed that after a few months in some people the vaccination protection strongly decreases, so the Chancellor’s Office. The government therefore wants to begin as early as September with booster vaccinations against the corona virus in nursing homes. In addition, the Corona case numbers are currently skyrocketing.
For the time being, the third sting is not expected to affect the Green Passport. “For now, the vaccination record in the Green Passport remains valid 9 months after full immunization.
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