Corona study: immune response stronger in convalescents

A new Corona study shows that the stronger immune response of recovered individuals is not only due to the spike protein of coronaviruses.For those recovered from Covid-19, partial SARS-CoV-2 vaccination is sufficient. According to an Austrian study of healthcare professionals, this is also due to a strong cellular immune response and antibodies not only against the spike protein of the covid-19 pathogens. What is the effect of corona virus on vaccination?The scientific investigation was conducted by Innsbruck and Linz scientists from the respective university hospitals and the Christian Doppler Laboratory…

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866 new corona infections detected in Austria

In the past 24 hours, 866 new infections were registered throughout Austria. The number of Covid 19 patients requiring treatment in hospitals has also risen again. Now 270 people are already in hospitals – 20 more than on Monday. Meanwhile, the threshold of five million fully immunized people has been exceeded. The 866 new infections are just below the average of the past seven days, with 891 more infected people added daily. The seven-day incidence has risen again, amounting to 69.8 cases per 100,000 inhabitants on Tuesday. Now there are…

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Nearly two-thirds of those infected with Corona are younger than 35

Of the 5,934 coronavirus cases officially reported between Aug. 9 and Aug. 15, 64.2 percent – 3,816 in absolute numbers – were among this group. Strikingly, six- to 14-year-olds now contribute more to the incidence of infection, accounting for 10.7 percent of the total, than do those over 55, who account for 10.5 percent overall. Most corona infections among 15- to 24-year-oldsAs shown in the latest breakdown by age group from the Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), 15- to 24-year-olds remain the most affected age group, accounting for…

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Mückstein: Restrictions on unvaccinated conceivable starting in October

Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein can now imagine, for example, only allowing vaccinated people to attend events. Local visit only with vaccination?On Sunday he had still meant to such demands brought forward on the part of the Viennese health town councillor Peter Hacker (SPÖ), this discussion comes “too early”. In the ORF “ZiB” on Tuesday Mückstein said now, for him such a “1G” rule is conceivable starting from October. Mückstein on tightening: “Must talk about 1G”.“I believe that before an increasingly precarious epidemiological situation in the fall, we have to talk…

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Switzerland apparently at the start of a fourth wave

The numbers in Switzerland indicate the beginning of a fourth wave: In Switzerland, with a population of 8.5 million, and in Liechtenstein, 3,150 new infections were reported to the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) today within 24 hours. A week ago Tuesday, there were 1,910 new cases. “Since July, hospital admissions have increased tenfold,” a FOPH spokesperson reported. About a quarter of PCR tests were positive today. Switzerland last recorded such high numbers last year during the second wave, which resulted in closures and many CoV measures. The new…

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Green Pass update: app gets new features

Simplified PDF import and preview of the validity of the respective certificate in terms of 3G rules – the Grüner Pass app has received an update. Guide to the Green PassportThe “Green Passport App” published by the Ministry of Health in cooperation with the Federal Computing Center (BRZ) at the beginning of July has received new functions. According to the ministry, these include, for example, a simplified PDF import of the 3-G Covid-19 certificates and a validation of the electronic signature. In addition, the “GreenCheck app” has now been released…

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Biontech and Pfizer submit data for booster to FDA

German company Biontech and its U.S. partner Pfizer have submitted initial data for approval of a booster vaccine against coronavirus to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. In the coming weeks, these data from a Phase 1 trial should also be submitted to the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and other authorities, the companies announced yesterday. Additional data are expected to follow. Participants in the Phase 1 trial would have received a booster vaccination eight to nine months after the second dose. Compared with a two-dose vaccination, the study found “significantly…

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774 new infections in Austria

A new death has been registered in connection with Covid-19. From Sunday to Monday, 774 new Corona infections were registered in Austria. Such a high Monday value was last reported on May 10. In addition, there is one new death related to a Covid-19 infection to report, bringing the pandemic death toll in Austria to 10,757 so far. The number of active cases increases by 325 to 8,884. The seven-day incidence rises to 67.12. In the past 24 hours, 37,812 PCR tests have been performed, with a positive rate of…

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Coronavirus: children develop long-term immunity

Coronavirus infection: infections without symptoms five times more common than in adults. The impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection on children is being investigated by the German Covid-19 family study, which shows that asymptomatic courses are five times more common in children than in adults. However, those affected develop strong immune protection. Especially before the already foreseeable end of the school vacations in Austria and partial start of school in Germany, the issue of Covid-19 becomes particularly relevant again at educational institutions and among children. Scientists from the university hospitals in Freiburg,…

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