Since the end of December 2020, vaccination has also been available in Austria. The start of vaccination gave many people hope that they would soon be able to return to their old lives. But the matter turned out to be more complicated than initially thought.
If the vaccine was lacking at the beginning, the authorities were working primarily on low-threshold vaccination offers in the summer of 2021. The question of how to tackle widespread vaccination skepticism, on the other hand, is still open.
As of October 13, 61.5 percent of all people in Austria had been vaccinated against Corona.
The vaccine from Astra Zeneca, which had come under criticism following reports of increased cases of thrombosis, is hardly used any more. The vaccination campaign in Austria is largely based on the mRna vaccine from Biontech/Pfizer.
A look at the provinces shows in part significant regional differences in the vaccination coverage rate, which could only be explained at the beginning by different approaches of the authorities – Vienna, for example, relied on large vaccination routes, while in Lower Austria, for example, vaccination was also carried out by general practitioners at an early stage.
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