Austria-wide corona rules to take effect December 12, 2021

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Starting Sunday (Dec. 12, 2021), retailers, pubs, hotels and cultural institutions will be allowed to reopen in Austria. You can read here which “minimum standards” apply across Austria in the Corona measures:

Other provinces have different rules – details here

Lockdown ends on December 11
FFP2 masks are largely mandatory, and a 11 p.m. curfew is coming for gastro.

The regulations in the individual federal states:

Children under twelve are exempted from the exit restrictions and also from the other regulations. For pupils over twelve, the Ninja Pass is equivalent to a 2G certificate until the end of compulsory education.

Exit restrictions for the unvaccinated
The general lockdown in effect since November 22 ends at midnight Saturday for all vaccinated and recovered individuals. For those without valid proof of 2G, a general, all-day curfew restriction will remain in effect beginning Sunday. Only under the already known conditions – such as work, education, purchase of essential goods – they are allowed to go out. Attendance at certain gatherings, such as funerals or demonstrations, is also possible.

Trips abroad remain a thorny issue: although these are in principle possible for all – for unvaccinated persons it is the exceptional reason mental and physical recreation outdoors, said the Ministry of Health. However, the departure may not be made to circumvent national regulations, i.e. the lockdown for unvaccinated persons (trade, gastronomy).

FFP2 mask obligation in closed rooms
An FFP2 mask must be worn in all enclosed spaces. This also applies in the workplace unless other suitable protection is available.

Corona rules on minimum distance
A minimum distance to persons who do not live in the same household, as existed in the meantime (keyword “baby elephant”), is not prescribed. However, a distance of two meters is still recommended.

2G for body-related services
Basic service stores – such as grocery stores, pharmacies, drugstores, banks and gas stations – will remain accessible to all. Beyond that, (Christmas) shopping is only possible for those who have been vaccinated or recovered. Even for services close to the body, one needs a 2-G proof. As a customer, you also need an FFP2 mask everywhere.

Corona rules in the catering trade
Vaccinated and recovered people are allowed back into the restaurant from Sunday. Closing time is however 23 o’clock, the Nachtgastro remains thus closed. Also Apres ski and bar operation do not play it for the time being. On 9 January 2022 will be discussed again, whether an opening of these areas is possible from an epidemiological point of view. Unvaccinated people are allowed to pick up food. In the pub itself, FFP2 masks are mandatory, except at the seat itself. You must also provide your contact information. Events with more than 25 people are not allowed in catering establishments, outdoor in the guest garden can be up to 300 guests.

2G proof at the Christkindlmarkt
“Kirtagsähnliche” occasional markets, for example Christmas markets, may only be visited with 2G proof and FFP2 mask. Real mass events are not possible here, because a maximum of 300 people are allowed to enjoy themselves there at the same time. Contact details are also collected.

Corona measures in hotels
Again, only vaccinated and recovered people have access and you need an FFP2 mask. Operators must collect contact information.

Measures in sports
Sports venues are also reserved for those with proof of 2G. The mask may be removed during sports activities. Minimum distance does not have to be kept either. For training sessions, competitions and championship games, the regulations for gatherings also apply.

This applies to meetings and events
Contact details must be provided in any case, 2G rule and mask obligation apply. Without assigned seating indoors, a maximum of 25 people may gather for family reunions, birthday parties, wedding receptions and Christmas parties. If there is assigned seating, the maximum is 2,000 people, such as in a theater. Outside, events without fixed seating have a maximum of 300, and with assigned seating, it’s 4,000 people. This means that for sporting events such as ski races, it will depend on the organization of the event organizers whether large crowds are possible.

3G at the workplace remains – FFP2 mask
At the place of work, the 3-G obligation still applies, so a negative Corona test is also sufficient here. If there are no other suitable protective devices, an FFP2 mask must be worn indoors. Home office is recommended.

Masks also compulsory on public transport
FFP2 masks are mandatory in all public transportation. In cable cars and rack railroads, during bus trips and on excursion ships, 2-G is mandatory.

Corona rules in homes
For employees, 2.5-G applies; antigen tests are also permitted if PCR tests are not available. FFP2 masks are required in all enclosed spaces. Visitors must be vaccinated or recovered, a PCR test (antigen test if necessary) and an FFP2 mask are also required. A maximum of two visitors per day is allowed, in the hospital a maximum of one.

— sources: Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

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