According to a new study, the coronavirus can spread within days from the respiratory tract to the heart, brain and almost all organ systems of the body, where it can persist for months. In the most comprehensive analysis to date of the spread and persistence of coronavirus in the body and brain, scientists at the U.S. National Institutes of Health found “that although Sars-CoV-2 is most prevalent in the respiratory tract and lungs, the virus can spread early during infection and infect cells throughout the body, including the brain,” the authors said. The findings, published online Saturday (Dec. 25) in a manuscript, suggest delayed elimination of the virus from the body, which may contribute to the long-lasting symptoms of some sufferers. The study also confirms previous research that coronavirus can directly affect and kill heart muscle cells, and that those who survive infection suffer cognitive deficits. The study has not yet been reviewed by independent scientists.
- source: Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay
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