According to Mayor Ludwig, the infection figures would first have to stabilize. He expects further relaxation from April.
Vienna will stick to its stricter line on corona measures even after the nationwide relaxation steps on March 5. This was confirmed by Mayor Michael Ludwig (SPÖ) on the sidelines of a press event on Tuesday – affected are, for example, the 2G rule in gastro and the mask requirement. He hopes to stabilize the infection numbers in March, so Ludwig. Only then should the restrictions be lifted. That will probably be the case in April, he said.
Protection against hospital overload
The government’s opening steps came too soon, Ludwig remains convinced. “I think we’re dropping a lot of things very quickly that would protect us.” Patient numbers on regular wards remain high, he said, and in addition, many health care workers are absent due to Corona infections. He is, therefore, “very skeptical” of the far-reaching simultaneous relaxation steps.
Ludwig stressed that Vienna would remain at 2G in the catering industry for some time. The stricter mask requirement will also stay in place – he does not see why the FFP2 mask should protect in public transport and supermarkets, but not elsewhere. In the meantime, the population has become accustomed to wearing masks. The 2G-Plus obligation in hospitals will also remain in place.
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