The capital remains more cautious than the federal government in some areas.
Vienna has also officially announced the pandemic rules that will apply today, Saturday. The Vienna Covid 19 Basic Measures Accompanying Ordinance provides a more cautious opening in some areas. Affected are here, for example, the catering trade and the indoor range generally, where Vienna still frequently needs masks. The ordinance is valid until March 31.
No mask in the club, but at the concert
In contrast to the other federal states, the 2G rule still applies to customers visiting a club in Vienna. This means that either an upright certificate of recovery or an upright vaccination certificate must be presented. However, the FFP2 mask requirement no longer applies to staff and patrons.
Current curfew regulations are also eliminated under federal regulation. Thus, night catering can resume operations in Vienna as well. However, 2G is also required there. Hotel guests do not have to provide proof of G – except for the gastro areas in the establishments.
The federal government’s rules for outdoor events will be adopted. However, FFP2 masks will continue to be mandatory in Vienna for indoor events. 2G is no longer required. For indoor events, a reverse measure applies: the 2G rule continues to apply, but no mask needs to be worn.
FFP2 mask remains in all trade
In the vital trade, the FFP2 mask obligation applies to personnel with direct customer contact. In the rest of the trade, FFP2 masks remain mandatory for customers. However, employees can dispense with this protective measure there. This also applies to services close to the body: Customers need an FFP2 mask, staff do not. As in all public transport in Austria, masks must continue to be worn there in Vienna.
For visitors in hospitals, 2.5G will apply in the future. This means that even a negative PCR result not older than 48 hours may be used. The quantitative restriction on visits no longer applies, but visitors must wear an FFP2 mask at all times. The 2.5G and mask requirement also apply to staff – including permanent PCR screening.
Even in kindergartens, at least parents or external guests must wear masks. In places where a G-rule is a prerequisite for access, such as bars and restaurants, the 3G rule applies to children between six and eleven. In this age group, a rapid antigen test taken by an authorized body is also permitted for this purpose, which must not be older than 24 hours.
A fully completed Ninja Pass is automatically valid until the end of the respective calendar week – at least until twelve. Up to the end of compulsory schooling, adolescents can also refer to a test for areas with G-rule. For them, however, only PCR tests are allowed.
There is no longer any difference in the workplace. The federal government has lifted the 3G rule there. This also applies to Vienna.
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