231,600 Ukrainian refugees have entered Austria since the outbreak of war. However, more than 80 percent do not stay in the country.
Around 42,000 people have been registered in Austria, giving them displaced person status. According to government figures, approximately 15,000 are in primary care, 10,000 in private accommodation, and 5,000 in private total run by NGOs. The rest, i.e., a good quarter, take care of themselves and do not receive basic care from the state.
Ukrainian refugees in Austria with a roof over their heads
As far as accommodation is concerned, there is currently sufficient capacity: In addition to the arrival centers and accommodations of the federal government and the provinces, more than 46,000 private accommodation places have been registered through the BBU coordination office. Currently, all people who have arrived so far have a roof over their heads and a place to stay, it is emphasized.
Numerous pupils from Ukraine integrated into Austrian classes
There are now 225 registration modules at more than 50 locations or mobile. By the end of the week, the federal government wants to have produced and sent out 10,000 Blue Cards, which give access to the labor market. Around 1,500 job offers for Ukrainians have already been received by the AMS, which also offers job-specific German courses. In addition, almost 4,000 pupils from Ukraine have been integrated into Austrian school classes so far.
- source: vienna.at/picture: pixabay.com
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