As a further measure against inflation, all Klimaticket users will receive a free month starting in July. The action applies to new customers and a renewal of the Öffi-Karte. “Especially in times of high fuel prices, the Öffis is a climate-friendly and cost-saving alternative,” released Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler (Greens).
Anyone who buys an Austria-wide climate ticket from the beginning of July to the end of December 2022 can use it for 13 months instead of twelve at no additional cost. For those who already have an Austria-wide climate ticket and extend it after one year, the promotion is valid until the end of June 2023.
“The free climate month is a quick and uncomplicated help against inflation,” Gewessler said. The free 13th month with the climate ticket around 1,095 euro means a savings of scarcely over 91 euro. For young people, seniors, and humans with handicaps, the ticket costs 821 euros. The climate month brings a saving of over 68 euro, with the Austria-far “Kimaticket” family for 1.205 euro is just over 100 euro. The action also applies with installment payment, it said in the dispatch.
Since its introduction in October last year, more than 168,000 climate tickets have been sold.
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