The ‘Barrio Fiesta’ is something everybody looks forward to. It means ‘neighborhood-party’ and is something that happens in every town and area in the Philip-pines. Outside of the Philippines, it is a chance for Filipinos to celebrate Philippine culture, find out more information about Filipino TV, music, food, property, balikbayan boxes, remittance, etc., and find out what Filipino businesses exist in the community, and catch up with old friends. The most important date for many in the Austrian-Filipino community is the Barrio Fiesta sa Vienna. The Council of Filipino Associations manages this big Fiesta in Austria.
Barrio Fiesta is the biggest gathering of Filipinos you will see outside the Philippines
Barrio Fiesta presents and explores the Filipino Culture and history through exhibitions of traditional Filipino songs and dances and explores the more recent and contemporary history and happenings of our people through the vehicles of hip-hop dance, modern urban music, visual arts, and poetry. Through the Barrio Fiesta, our very own talented musicians, artists, dancers, and entertainers of all sorts are given a chance to showcase their skills while simultaneously exploring and articulating their culture and identity, heritage, and background.
Join the Filipino community in Austria as they celebrate the traditional and biggest Filipino event this year. Barrio Fiesta will be staged on Saturday, July 23, 2022 at the Pellmanngasse 2, 1230 Vienna. The event is organized by the COUNCIL of FILIPINO ASSOCIATIONS in AUSTRIA with Mr. Elmer Blanco as chairman.
Barrio Fiesta is rightly positioned as necessary for the community, as it serves as a focal point for Filipino businesses and community groups.
- hector pascua/picture: Marjorie Guidangen-Akistoy | Facebook
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