Wien Energie is turning the price screw as of September 1. An average household will be more expensive by a whopping 85 percent (!).
Viennese now got the new electricity prices by mail.
“Your electricity price will change from September 1, 2022” – this letter has been properly driving the blood pressure in hundreds of thousands of Viennese households since Thursday. As reported, the tariffs for electricity and gas in Vienna and Lower Austria will be massively more expensive from autumn. In the future, providers will even have the option to turn the price screw twice a year.
“For more than a year, prices have been rising significantly – all over the world. Unfortunately, the current energy price crisis is also having a huge impact on us. Now your electricity price is also affected,” the entrepreneur lets his customers know.
But what does that mean in concrete terms? For an average Viennese household, prices are soaring by 85 percent.
However, the actual additional costs vary greatly – depending on the tariff. An overview:
➤ Tariff Electricity Optima: 36.3185 cents/kilowatt hour (previously: 14.5594 cents)
➤ Tariff Electricity Optima Online: 34.4220 cents/kilowatt hour (previously: 13.7992 cents)
➤ Tariff electricity Optima Wasser.Plus: 37.4345 (previously: 15.0068 cents)
The introductory prices per year also rise by under one euro in each case. However, Wien Energie offers customers who commit to the Group for at least one year a lower-priced contract. With this, electricity costs in average households are to increase by “only” 24 percent (or 10.37 euros per month). “We hope this offer will help you get through these demanding times better,” writes the outsourced company of the City of Vienna.
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