The controls at the border between Austria and Slovakia will be stopped on Monday. Instead, border area controls will be continued in coordination with the neighbouring country, the Ministry of the Interior informs as published by APA. The reason for the change in strategy is that the Czech Republic is also discontinuing its controls at the border with Slovakia.
Austria had always argued the controls at the crossings with Prague’s approach, with which it wanted to act in unison. The Czech Republic reacted with the measure at the end of September to the increase in illegal migration. The controls had been argued here and there with a better fight against traffickers. Slovakia could not understand the procedure. According to the Ministry of the Interior, 24 smugglers out of Slovakia have been arrested since September last year.
Austria now wants to devote more attention to the border areas with controls. Especially in the districts Gänserndorf, Bruck/Leitha and in the area of Kittsee, corresponding operations are planned. Focus actions are planned, as well as mixed patrols and drone operations. Interior Minister Gerhard Karner believes that this approach will enable the development of the situation to be closely monitored and – if necessary – to react quickly.
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