Out for GIS (Gebühren Info Service) fee: What could the household levy look like?

The ORF is no longer to be financed by the GIS fee as of January 1, 2024, as the Constitutional Court ruled in July 2022. Instead, there is to be a household levy independent of whether or not a reception device is present. However, details on this are not yet known. However, looking at other countries shows what the new levy could look like in Austria. GIS or the Gebühren Info Service – a fee one should pay for the use of Radio and other broadcasting services in Austria. How…

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New 200 Euros energy bonus for Viennese households in April 2023

Back in 2022, the federal capital of Vienna paid out an energy bonus to Viennese households in an uncomplicated and quick way. Now, this is going into the second round. According to the city government, the Vienna Energy Bonus 2023 is intended to cushion the increased energy costs. And again, the payout is designed to be quite quick and unbureaucratic. 585,800 Viennese households have benefited from the Vienna Energy Bonus ’22 in recent months. Those of them whose income and circumstances have not changed in the meantime will automatically receive…

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“Earth Hour” 2023 will take place on March 25

Under the motto “Time Out for the Earth,” Earth Hour will be held worldwide for the 17th time on March 25. The lights will again be symbolically turned off at numerous landmarks, public buildings and private households for one hour. In addition, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), initiator of “Earth Hour,” invites active participation in nature conservation and awareness actions, which can be entered on a digital map of WWF Austria. “The destruction of nature is reaching enormous proportions worldwide – our Earth urgently needs a time-out! At…

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Blackmail with “child pornography”

Thousands of Austrians received “fake emails” from sex blackmailers. Sextortion” is what investigators call those perfidious extortion emails currently being sent out in the tens of thousands in the name of senior police officers such as that Director General Gerhard Pürstl. The clear accusation can only be cleared up by paying a high Bitcoin fine: “child pornography and sex trafficking.” These had been discovered on respective computers during investigations. “Many recipients go – whether rightly or wrongly unsettled – to the blackmail,” says cyber security expert Dr. Cornelius Granig, who…

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“Absurdly high temperatures” – weather chaos in Austria

Today, Wednesday, will be dry throughout and mostly sunny. At first, widespread but harmless veil clouds will pass through, making the sunshine appear somewhat subdued, but as the day progresses, the clouds will gradually become denser from the west. The wind shifts from easterly to southerly directions and freshens moderately only in the Danube region occasionally. Otherwise, it no longer plays a role. With 8 to 16 degrees, it will still be very mild for the time of year. On Thursday, clouds will predominate, the sun will shine through from…

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“Doomsday glaciers”: researchers announce scary news

Researchers have made some underwater observations as the doomsday glacier threatens to collapse. And they’re not exactly encouraging. The Thwaites Glacier, also known as the “Doomsday Glacier,” has been worrying researchers for some time now. The 120-km-wide ice formation is in danger of crumbling into thousands of icebergs that, if melted, would cause the water table to rise sharply. To better understand the melting mechanism, researchers have sent robots underwater to observe hard-to-reach spots. Unsurprisingly, they weren’t exactly reassured by what they saw. Stepped formationsObserving a glacier from below isn’t…

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Corona: increase in infections and patients expected

In its Wednesday update, the Covid forecasting consortium expects more Corona infections and patients in normal wards. Corona wastewater tests give hospitals warningReported Corona infection numbers in EMS and wastewater monitoring data confirm an upward trend in infection incidence. An increase in Corona patients is expected in normal wards.Vienna. In the normal-care sector, the number of occupied beds is expected to range from 854 to 1,379 across Austria in two weeks on March 1, with a mean of 1,085 beds. On Tuesday, 914 infected people had to be treated in…

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Faschingsdienstag: Austrians eat two doughnuts

Before the lenten season, which will start tomorrow with the celebration of Ash Wednesday – Austrians still eat an average of two doughnuts. Fool’s time without the fluffy sweet pastry would be unthinkable for many people. As for the filling, for most Austrians, it has to be the classic apricot jam. How important “their” Krapfen is to the Austrians was shown by the Krapfen-Gate in 2020. This was to achieve the inclusion of its emoji in the form of the sweet pastry – which is currently depicted as a snooty…

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Foods containing vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is essential for cell division and the nervous system. What are the best foods for this purpose, and why do we not need tablets? Vitamin B12 is important for producing genetic material, such as cells, i.e., blood cell formation, nervous system function, and absorption of folic acid and carbohydrates in the diet. Vitamin B12 also plays a role in the metabolism of homocysteine, which is considered a risk factor for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. Foods containing vitamin B12Vitamin B12 is important for producing genetic material, such as cells,…

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