Vienna, 19 March 2023 – At its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Sunday, 19 March 2023, Bikol Society Austria (BSA) elected its Officers for 2023-2024 as follows:
President – Maria Zelda “Marizel” Rojas
Vice President – Nelia “Ning” Lobrigo
Secretary – Sarah Jozelle Rojas
Treasurer – Noemi Callo
Auditor – Roselie “Rose” Decena
PRO – Audrey Tzakovski

Also chosen to be Hermana Mayor for 2023 were Lolita Kaszuba and Nelia “Ning” Lobrigo.
Lolit Kaszuba, Ning Lobrigo, Noemi Callo, Marizel Rojas, Sarah Jozelle Rojas, Audrey Tzakovski, Rose Decena
BSA is a religious, non-profit, non-political Parish based organization established in 1993 for Filipinos from the Bicol Region, headquartered in Vienna, Austria. It aims to bring together people from the Bicol region residing in Vienna and promote Philippine traditions and culture to integrate Austria effectively. More importantly, it also encourages devotion to the Patroness of Bicolandia, Our Lady of Peñafrancia. BSA is under the Filipino Catholic Chaplaincy (FCC) and the spiritual leadership of Fr Ely Dalanon.
Upcoming activities of BSA for 2023 were also presented as follows:
- Monthly Novena Masses with Agape in Salvator am Wienerfeld, Wienerfeldgasse 11, 1100 every last Friday of the month.
- 3rd Visita Iglesias in the 1st District of Vienna on 5 April 2023
- Pilgrimage to Salamanca (Our Lady of Peñafrancia) and Zaragoza (Our Lady of the Pillar) in Spain on 2-5 June 2023
- 30th Anniversary of the Festivities in honour of Our Lady of Peñafrancia on 8-17 September with the 9-day Novena Mass & Agape, 19th Fluvial Procession on the Danube River and the Mass on the Solemnity of Our Lady.
For more information:
M: +43 69914596190
About the Author

Currently taking up Business and Economics at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien), Sarah Jozelle Magistrado ROJAS is the President of the Young European Network of Filipino Diaspora Austria (YENFiD-Austria). She is the product of a Bicolana-Zamboangeño union, born in Austria, and typical Austro Pinay actively involved in the Filipino Community.
She is the Secretary of Bikol Society Austria (BSA), a member of the Philippine-Austrian Cultural and Educational Society (PACES), Vienna International Centre Club Filipino (VIC CF), the United Nations Women’s Guild (UNWG) and Green Heroes Austria. Recently, she discovered her interest in prose and passion for poetry.
E: IG: bratsybits YT: Heart2Heart – YouTube
FB: Sarah Jozelle Rojas W: This is Sarah | Simply Sarah (
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