Study: Do men spend money more easily than women?

Do men have a more “positive” view of financial opportunities? That’s what a new study has now investigated!A new University of California study shows that men are more likely to make riskier financial decisions than women. Even with incomplete information, men appear more optimistic about interpreting a potential economic opportunity and investing more. How much risk we’re willing to take also depends on the situation. So what about our decisions when we’re not 100 percent sure how much money we could get or lose? Men interpret financial opportunities more positively.“The…

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Is it unhealthy to cross your legs? Yes, warn experts!

Crossing your legs is part of sitting comfortably for many. But according to studies, it has health consequences. If you’re sitting up straight, observe if your legs are crossed. Are your legs crossed at the knees or ankle? If so, you’re among many who perceive this posture as comfortable. But unfortunately, relaxing is not necessarily good for your health, as studies have shown. Crossing your legs: Health effectsIn a 2019 study published in the Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine, the research team found that crossed legs put…

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Austria: Prices for household energy decreased slightly in February

Prices for household energy decreased slightly in February. The Energy Price Index (EPI) fell by 1.4 percent compared to the previous month of January, as reported by the Energy Agency. Prices nevertheless increased by 30.5 percent. In January, prices had risen by around 13 percent compared to the previous month of December. Prices for household energy have now been on an upward trend for more than a year. In February 2022, prices were already 27.4 percent higher. Compared to February 2021, this year’s prices have risen by 42 percent. “Must…

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The world population may stop growing after 2040

According to a new forecast, the world’s population could peak at 8.5 billion people by as early as 2040 and decline to about six billion by the end of the century. However, that would require a “giant leap” in investment in economic development, education and health, according to the international initiative Earth4All. The UN assumes a peak of about 10.4 billion people only in 2080. According to UN figures, the world population cracked the eight billion mark in November. The six billion people world population last around the year 2000.…

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