A discount has been fixed for customers of Fernwärme Wien: There is a 20 percent discount on the basic price, explained Finance and Economic City Councilor Peter Hanke (SPÖ). Thus in an average household, approximately 80 euros is saved itself.
The city council has recently already held out the prospect of a reduction in district heating. Prices had recently risen massively, with quite a few households paying more than double. At the same time, Wien Energie recorded profits. According to Hanke, a three-digit million amount is forecast as the annual result for the 2022 financial year. The details of this are yet to be published.
District heating discount applies to households and corporate customers.
As the City Council explained, the stabilizing market situation in the 4th quarter mainly contributed to the good result. Reference is made to successful trading with the power plant’s electricity production and storage transactions. And the turbulent summer is also having an impact: Although Wien Energie itself was confronted in the short term with demands for margin services on the energy exchanges, which it could no longer cope with without help from the public sector, at the same time, the crisis also brought an increase in customers. According to the city, many smaller competitors disappeared during this period.
The profits are to be invested in securing the supply and in restructuring the energy system, as Hanke explained. However, he added that it is now also flowing into cushioning the burden of increased prices. The district heating rebate is granted on the introductory price during the 2022/23 annual billing. It applies to households and corporate customers, except for large contracts. In total, the rebate amounts to around 50 million euros.
The rebate also planned for electricity and gas customers
Electricity and gas consumers will not go away empty-handed either. As the city council announced, as much as 80 million euros will be available. How the relief offer looks exactly – free energy days or likewise discounts are possible – is to be compiled up to the summer.
In any case, a social package will be launched in mid-May, which aid organizations will handle. Caritas, the Red Cross and Volkshilfe can call up their clients’ electricity, gas and heating vouchers. Ten million euros have been reserved for the scheme. The Wien Energie Supervisory Board must still approve the various measures.
- source: vienna.at/picture: hp
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