Messenger service WhatsApp has launched a new feature for running public channels. Administrators of channels can use it to send texts, photos, videos or polls to their followers, as the subsidiary of the Meta Group explained on Thursday.
According to the statement, the administrator function will be available to a select number of organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and FC Barcelona.
Content from a channel will be available for 30 days
WhatsApp reportedly offers a directory of all media that can be searched by topic. In addition, media can be entered via invitation links. Content from a channel is retrievable for 30 days.
Phone numbers and profile photos of both channel operators and followers are not viewable by other users. However, administrators can specify who can follow their channel and whether or not their channel should be discoverable in the directory. They can also prevent screenshots from being taken and content from being forwarded.
WhatsApp said that private messaging would remain the app’s primary function. However, users had long asked for a role for public channels.
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