Our bodies need water. And quite a lot of it – after all, adults are made up of about 50 to 65 percent water. The recommended amount is two to three litres daily to keep the body and mind functioning. The best thing about water is, of course, that it is sugar- and calorie-free. At the same time, sugar, in particular, can additionally dehydrate us. But sometimes, when we sweat a lot, it is advisable to drink other beverages. Which are.
The reason you should sometimes reach for drinks other than water is relatively easy to explain: if you lose a lot of fluid through sweating and only consume water, you are supplying your body with enough liquid and too little salt. That is why it is advisable to enjoy a different drink in between.
- Milk – even though it does not count as a drink due to its high nutritional content. Milk naturally contains salt and lactose, a sugar we need in small amounts to help absorb water in the intestines and keep fluids in the body longer. This is because lactose, protein and fat ensure that the milk in the stomach enters the bloodstream less quickly. Accordingly, a study proves that it is distributed more slowly in the organism and can thus be retained longer in the body.
- Unsweetened fruit and herbal teas – But unsweetened fruit and herbal teas also quench thirst healthily. Warm teas lead to moderate sweating, which cools down the body. In Arab countries, for example, lukewarm peppermint tea is drunk in hot weather.
- Foods rich in water – If drinking is problematic, you can also resort to fruits. Water-rich foods such as melons, cucumbers, tomatoes, oranges, pineapples, and strawberries provide the body with liquid.
- Water with fruit slices, ginger or herbs – If you prefer to stick with water, spice it up with a few fruit slices or add ginger and lemon. Adding a few cucumbers to water overnight makes it tastier and more nutritious. Add strawberries, raspberries or blueberries to the mineral if you like it sweeter. But ginger, lemon, lime or mint also provide additional vitamins and cooling from the inside, while the body is optimally supplied with liquid.
- Vegetable broth – The essential thing in the heat is compensating for losing minerals through sweating. Sporty people can resort to unique electrolyte solutions here. Otherwise, vegetable broth or a little salt in tea or water will also suffice.
Finally, although drinking plenty of fluids at high temperatures is essential, the drinks should be lukewarm and never ice cold. Secondly, you should not overdo it with the amount of liquid because this puts more strain on the heart and kidneys. There is also no point in downing a litre of water quickly. That overloads the bladder, and you don’t get hydrated. Instead, it is advisable to drink throughout the day.
- Source: freizeit.at/picture: Bild von -Rita-???????? und ???? mit ❤ auf Pixabay
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