Officers of Timpuyog Ilokandia iti Austria held Induction Ball

The Timpuyog Ilokandia iti Austria held its annual induction of officers and hand-over ceremony on 5 November 2023 at the Marriott Hotel, Vienna. Third Secretary and Vice Consul  Dan Erwin Bagaporo was present to grace the occasion, along with  leaders and members of the Filipino Community in Austria, The event commenced with a prayer invocation by an Augustinian priest, Fr. Matthias Schlögl. Ms. Irma Hudecek, the 1st Vice President of the organization, gave a brief opening remark. The new set of officers was presented on stage, followed by the official…

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Apple sensation: Foldable iPad to come

It was a disappointment for many: there was no iPad at the recent presentation of new products from Apple. Only a new stylus (“Pencil”) was in the portfolio. But now insiders are reporting that an entirely new tablet is set to arrive in the second half of 2024—a foldable iPad. Information comes from TaiwanTime and again, manufacturers try to rekindle the hype of the foldable with new products. Most of the time, they don’t succeed. For a long time, fans hoped for an iPhone that could be folded in half.…

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This is how you should eat: The 10 rules of nutrition

Almost sixty percent of adults in Europe are overweight or obese. According to the WHO, this has led to an alarming increase in diet-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer in recent years. A guide to a healthy lifeFor this reason, the Austrian Academic Institute of Nutritional Medicine (ÖAIE) has developed ten contemporary commandments for a healthy diet based on scientific facts. According to ÖAIE President Prof. Kurt Widhalm, they are aimed at everyone. People with a problem with overeating or perceived malnutrition can benefit from…

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