Vaccinations in Austria start on Sunday

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In Vienna, Lower and Upper Austria, the first people will also be vaccinated against Covid-19 on Sunday with the joint EU launch of the Corona vaccinations. The province of Tyrol expects the first of two necessary partial immunizations for individual high-risk people before the end of December. In the other five provinces, the first administrations of the Pfizer/Biontech vaccine are expected to be carried out in the first half of January, a roundup revealed.

In a first tranche, 10,000 doses of the vaccine will arrive in Austria shortly after Christmas, followed by another 270,000, with a total of one million vaccines expected to be available by the end of March. These batches will be used primarily to vaccinate the primary high-risk groups – i.e., residents of nursing homes, people in need of care, and healthcare workers. In Vienna, the first immunizations will be administered on Dec. 27 at a nursing home and at the Covid ward at the Favoriten Clinic, Health City Councilor Peter Hacker (SPÖ) told Ö1-Morgenjournal.

Lower Austria vaccinates in nursing homes and clinics
Also in Lower Austria, the start of vaccinations against the coronavirus will already take place on Sunday and thus one day earlier than initially planned. The first vaccines are to be used in nursing homes and clinics. Still before in Upper Austria planned official inoculation start on 12 January are to be inoculated also here already on this Sunday in a selected age and nursing home first few persons, had Landeshauptmann Thomas Stelzer and LHStv. Christine Haberlander (both ÖVP) on Monday evening announced. Also in the first week of the new year a few persons at selected home locations are to receive their first vaccination dose.

In Tyrol, the vaccination start could also take place earlier than initially known. It might be already at the end of December – and not only in January – so far that first doses are administered against the Coronavirus, it was said by the country on inquiry. One assumes “that the distribution of the first vaccination doses will take place at the same time to all Lands of the Federal Republic”. In Vorarlberg, the start will take place in the first half of January. This confirmed Health Regional Councillor Martina Rüscher (ÖVP) on Tuesday in a press conference. An earlier inoculation start does not make sense due to the until then only small available vaccine quantity, she said.

The vaccinations against Covid-19 are expected to start in Carinthia on January 12. Also in Styria the first vaccination against the Coronavirus in age and nursing homes will begin presumably around 12 January. A first tranche, expected to be delivered at the end of December, will include about 35,000 vaccine doses.

Burgenland is expected to begin the first vaccinations against the coronavirus in January. A first tranche of about 5,800 vaccine doses is planned, the state’s coronavirus coordination team said.

-hp, Source:

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