Nowadays, almost everyone has a smartphone, but this convenience also brings vulnerabilities to various forms of cybercrime if you’re not careful. With technological progress, Bluetooth technology has become more and more present, as it allows us to quickly and easily connect numerous devices for file transfers or to connect headphones, fitness bracelets, or smartwatches.
The convenience of Bluetooth, which works optimally when in close proximity to these devices, can also pose risks, such as exposing your smartphone’s data to cybercriminals. According to Bankinter, hackers can use this active tool to extract data, including passwords, contacts, or even messages, and any vulnerabilities affecting the mobile device.
At the Defcon conference, one of the world’s leading cybersecurity conferences, experts recommended disabling Bluetooth on cell phones when not in use. This saves battery power and prevents hackers from potentially accessing it.
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Cybercriminals can penetrate our devices almost instantly to hack them. The first step they need is to discover the MAC address of the Bluetooth adapter, from which they can exploit our cell phone. For example, they can perform BlueSmacking, where the attacker sends more requests and data packets than the device can accept or process.
In addition, BlueSnarfing attacks allow hackers to obtain data from phones that can be used against us. Another threat is BlueBorne attacks, where the device is infected with malware that then spreads to other devices that are already connected via Bluetooth.
A cybercriminal could potentially eavesdrop on your private conversations via headphones and speakers. Given this risk, it is advisable to switch off the Bluetooth connection. If it is activated, you should avoid or block connections coming to your smartphone.
- source: Bild von Mattia Verga auf Pixabay
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