What is the growling of your stomach really trying to say?

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Amidst the daily soundscape of keyboard strokes, radio tunes, and conversations, one particular sound often stands out, occasionally accompanied by a blush of embarrassment: the unmistakable rumble of a growling stomach. Many of us quickly interpreted this as a direct cry for help from hunger.

Dr. Karan Raj, a doctor with a significant TikTok following, reveals a more intriguing and slightly sinister truth behind these belly songs, reports Dagens.com.

The story of the belly: more than just hunger
Imagine squeezing the last bits out of a toothpaste tube; it’s akin to what goes on inside us all the time, yet this internal orchestra usually remains inaudible beyond the soundproof insulation of our bodies.

Dr. Raj prescribes peppermint tea as a simple but effective remedy for those easily alarmed by this internal cacophony. With menthol as a natural muscle relaxant, this herbal infusion can calm the sounds from the gut.

“When your stomach growls, it’s actually not your stomach. It’s your intestines, specifically your small intestine. That demonic whine is the sound of your intestines contracting and pushing digested food, known as chyme, through your internal plumbing. It’s the human equivalent of squeezing the bottom of a toothpaste tube to get it all out.”

So, the small intestine conducts this music, pushing the digested food through the intricate labyrinth of the body.
A sign of the complexity of life
Dr. Raj emphasizes that these sounds occur independently of our hunger pangs. In fact, the rumbling is amplified in an empty digestive tract, giving the impression that the stomach is ‘complaining’ about the lack of food.

So, the next time your stomach starts rumbling, remember that it signals much more than just hunger. It is evidence of life in all its complexity within us.

  • source: dagens.de/picture: pixabay.com
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