Reusable bottles have the advantage that they help us limit plastic consumption, but they need to be thoroughly washed so that no germs and mold accumulate that could pose a potential health risk.
According to experts, cleaning the bottles after each use is best, as they tend to accumulate a lot of germs. Especially because all warm and humid places provide an ideal environment for mold formation.
Some bottles can be cleaned in the dishwasher, but you can also wash them by hand. Let’s find out how.
Reusable bottles have the advantage of helping us limit the consumption of plastic, but they need to be thoroughly washed to avoid the accumulation of germs and molds that could pose a potential health risk. According to experts, cleaning the bottles after each use is best, as they tend to accumulate a lot of germs, especially since all warm and humid places provide an ideal environment for mold formation.
Washing in the dishwasher
Some bottle types can be cleaned in the washing machine. Therefore, it is sufficient for the device to ensure the hygiene of the bottle at every daily rinse.
Wash the bottle with water and soap
Anyone who wants or needs to wash the bottle by hand can do so with water and detergent. Simply fill the bottle with hot water, put a few drops of soap in it, close the flask with the lid and shake it. Use a small brush to clean the bottom of the bottle and then rinse.
Wash the bottle with water and vinegar
The manual washing with water & soap can be replaced by water & vinegar. After filling the bottle with hot water and vinegar, leave it standing for a while. After that, the bottle must be thoroughly rinsed to remove all vinegar residues. This method is especially suitable for stainless steel bottles.
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