The healthiest choice: hot meals for lunch or dinner?

Traditionally, we enjoy a hot meal between 5 and 8 pm. But it used to be different. Half a century ago, it was common to eat a hot meal at lunchtime, a practice that continues in many countries to this day. But which is healthier: a hot meal for lunch or dinner?Eating a hot meal at lunchtime is generally better. Freshly prepared meals often contain less sugar than a sandwich, reports Nutritious and fillingHot meals tend to be more nutritious and contain vegetables, meat, fish or cereals. These not…

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Scammers lure you in with fake jobs: How to recognize job scamming

Fraudsters are increasingly luring people in with job offers that promise big money. AK gives tips on how to spot fake jobs. On job platforms such as LinkedIn or Xing, there are always job offers that entice you with a home office and a high income. Such job offers are also sent by email, and many influencers advertise jobs on social media that allow you to earn a lot of money without a lot of work. What all job offers have in common is that they bring losses and trouble.…

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