Why the sirens are wailing all over Austria on Saturday

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Today, October 5, 2024, sirens will be sounding throughout Austria—the annual civil protection test alarm will be sounded between 12 and 12.45 pm., with over 8,200 sirens.

Attention, watch out! On Saturday, October 5, 2024, the civil defense test alarm will sound throughout Austria between 12 and 12.45 pm. The test’s purpose is to sensitize the population to emergencies and test the functioning of the alarm systems. “In order to ensure that the population understands the necessity of this test alarm, it is necessary to draw attention to this alarm in good time,” says the Styrian Civil Defense Association.

How does the test alarm work?
“The respective signals are triggered by the Federal Warning Center in the Operations and Crisis Coordination Center of the Federal Ministry of the Interior or by the state warning centers in the individual federal states,” it continues.

Why is the test alarm important?
These alarms are not gimmicks! The test is intended to ensure that in the event of an emergency—be it a natural disaster, fire, or other crisis—everyone knows immediately how to behave correctly. The Styrian Civil Protection Association emphasizes the importance of all citizens knowing and understanding the meaning of the alarm signals.

What signals are there?
Various signals are sent during the test alarm, each of which has a different meaning:

Siren test: a continuous tone lasting 15 seconds.
Warning – A constant tone lasting three minutes.
Alarm: An ascending and descending tone for one minute.
All-clear: Another continuous tone lasting three minutes.
In an emergency, these signals are intended to quickly indicate danger and prompt a reaction. Therefore, it is important to memorize the different tones.

Everything you need to know about the civil defense test alarm
What is the civil defense test alarm?

The civil defense test alarm is an annual test of the siren systems throughout Austria. It checks the function of the alarm systems and is intended to sensitize the population to emergencies.

When does the test alarm take place?
The test alarm will occur throughout Austria on October 5, 2024, between 12 and 12:45 p.m..

Who triggers the alarm?
The alarms are triggered centrally by the Federal Warning Center in the Ministry of the Interior, supported by the state warning centers in the individual federal states

What signals are sent out?
Siren test: A continuous tone for 15 seconds.
Warning: A continuous tone for three minutes (imminent danger).
Alarm: A rising and falling tone for one minute (danger!).
All-clear: A constant tone for three minutes (danger over).
What should you do when the sirens sound?
Nothing needs to be done during the test alarm. In an emergency, however, you should pay attention to the radio, television, or warning apps for further information.

Why is the test alarm important?
The test alarm ensures that the alarm systems are working and is intended to prepare the population for possible crisis situations, such as natural disasters or major fires.

What to do if you can’t hear the sirens?
If you do not hear the sirens in your area, please report this to the local provincial warning center or the civil protection association.

  • source: 5minuten.at/picture: pixabay.com
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