Corrosive acid has damaged the door locks of apartments in Vienna’s Landstraße. The police are now asking for special attention!
Presumably using nitric acid, two door locks were damaged in the Landstraße district at around 3.00 pm on Wednesday. The as-yet-unknown perpetrators then broke into the two apartments.
Whether anything was stolen is the subject of ongoing investigations. The Vienna State Office of Criminal Investigation has taken over the investigation.
The police therefore ask for special attention and warn the public:
“If you find damage to the lock on your front door as well as a liquid, avoid contact with the liquid at all costs. This may be nitric acid, which has a corrosive effect on the skin, respiratory tract, and mucous membranes.”
Further, “If accidental contact with the liquid occurs, neutralize the area immediately with clean water. Do not use soap or other additives. Call the police on 133 immediately.”
- source: Image by DyeAnnaBee from Pixabay
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