Spanish researchers have made an alarming discovery. Microplastic particles in tea bags, released in contact with hot water, will likely have serious consequences for the human body. A new study shows that plastic is released into the body and absorbed through the digestive tract, which can lead to cancer and fertility problems, among other things.
According to the Daily Mail, the University Autònoma de Barcelona research team found that polypropylene tea bags, in particular, release large amounts of nanoparticles—up to 1.2 billion particles per milliliter of water. Specifically, the microplastic particles enter the body via the mucosal cells of the intestine and can even reach the cell nucleus.
In addition, the effects of microplastics on intestinal health and their link to structural changes in the large intestine have been investigated. Scientists such as Maria Westerbos from the Plastic Health Council, therefore, emphasize that immediate action is needed to minimize the health risks in this regard.
- source: Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay