Why you need to smile when something bad happens

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Have you ever caught yourself giggling at the most inappropriate moments? Perhaps at a funeral or during a crisis meeting? Don’t worry. You’re not alone—and no, you’re not an insensitive brute.

This is why you need to smile when something bad happens
Laughter is a complex human reaction that often serves as an outlet for pent-up emotions. In stressful or unpleasant situations, our brains can use laughter as a mechanism to relieve tension and restore emotional balance. The Austrian psychologist Christa Schirl describes laughter in inappropriate moments as a so-called “leapfrog action.” “When a bird is threatened, it often starts preening itself. A totally senseless reaction, but similar to the Austrians buying toilet paper before the first lockdown. The brain tells us to do something to keep ourselves busy, distract ourselves, and not feel ourselves. And it’s the same when someone tells us something bad.

Only a “seemingly” pointless reaction
When confronted with a stressful or traumatic situation, our brain can resort to seemingly inappropriate behaviours to resolve inner conflict. For example, we may laugh even though we don’t actually feel like it. Humor and laughter play a crucial role in our social interactions. They help us overcome embarrassing or unpleasant situations and release tension.

The next time you find yourself giggling in a serious situation, remember that your brain is trying to help you deal with stress and tension. So from now on, no more guilty conscience!

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