The color of the banana: A key to taste and nutritional value

The color of a banana reveals its ripeness and how its ingredients can affect your health. According to Girlfriend, each stage offers unique benefits from green to brown bananas. Green bananas: the source of starch Green bananas, which are still unripe and firm, contain particularly high levels of resistant starch. This acts like fiber, reaching the undigested large intestine and supporting intestinal flora there. In addition, resistant starch stabilizes blood sugar levels and promotes a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Pectin, a soluble fiber in green bananas, contributes to better digestion.…

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Why you shouldn’t clean your ears with cotton buds

Earwax protects the ear canal. The sebaceous glands on the skin produce this mixture of fats to keep the skin’s pH value low, making it harder for germs to survive. The protective layer also traps tiny foreign bodies that have no business in the ear. Lard in the ear, therefore, has nothing to do with a lack of hygiene. It only turns brown when it comes into contact with air. The risksUnder no circumstances should you try to remove the wax from your ear with cotton buds. “It doesn’t work,”…

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