During the lockdown period in Austria, there are still several places and events to visit. Indoor swimming pools are open for schools and soon also for vaccination, but not for clubs. The lockdown measures are not entirely comprehensible. We try to get clarity into the confusion of rules.
Sports and leisure: Golf courses and tennis courts can still be used, provided the two-meter distance is observed. Soccer fields, on the other hand, had to close completely. Sports halls are only open to top athletes, while mass sports clubs are shut down. And only school classes are allowed to use the indoor swimming pool, and soon also those who want to be vaccinated, as vaccination lines are being set up there. Clubs, on the other hand, have to stay on dry land. Ice skating is also allowed in the lockdown. Professional musicians are still allowed to rehearse, but music clubs are not.
▶ Religious events: Religious services may also continue to be celebrated.
▶Schools, kindergartens and universities: Classes will continue to be held at schools, and kindergartens will also remain open. Universities, on the other hand, may decide for themselves whether face-to-face or distance learning takes place.
▶Gastronomy: Bars and restaurants may only open for the collection of food and non-alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages such as punch may only be sold in commercially sealed containers, unlike in the previous lockdown.
▶Trade and Services: Pharmacies and drugstores remain open. Grocery stores, including food markets, are also exempt from the lockdown. So are tobacconists, opticians and cell phone stores. Banks and post offices also remain open, as do car and bicycle repair shops and magistrates’ offices. In addition, stores that offer consulting services for vaccinated and recovering customers, such as florists or photo studios, are allowed to open.
– source: krone.at/picture:pixabay.com
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