Art exhibit “Watercolors” by Filipino artist Claude Tayag staged in Vienna

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Claude Tayag, a prominent Filipino painter known for his exceptional watercolor paintings, recently showcased his work in an art exhibition titled “Claude Tayag Water Colors” at the Operngasse in Vienna on July 12, 2024.

Tayag, who has also delved into other art forms such as sculpture, emphasized that his passion for watercolor painting has remained unwavering over three decades.

In an interview, Tayag expressed his fondness for the spontaneity of working with watercolors. He acknowledged the challenges of mastering this tricky medium, describing it as one of the most difficult to explore. Nevertheless, he finds joy in the process and continues to be inspired by the fluidity and vibrancy that watercolors offer.

The art exhibition received a warm reception from the audience, which included Filipino-Austrian community members and international guests.

Ambassador Evangelina Arroyo Bernas, in her welcoming remarks, highlighted Tayag’s diverse talents as a chef, food writer, and self-taught artist. She commended Tayag for his unique artistic style and the emotional depth evident in his watercolor paintings. The exhibition featured selected pieces that showcased Tayag’s creative evolution and growth over the years. Tayag’s paintings were lauded for their ability to evoke strong emotions and provoke meaningful responses from viewers.

Each piece captured a moment, reflecting Tayag’s journey and connection to the natural world. During the event, Tayag expressed his gratitude to the Philippine Embassy in Austria for hosting his art exhibit and supporting his culinary demonstration at the Wrenkh Restaurant the day before.

He credited his travels in Europe as the catalyst for his interest in watercolor painting, noting how each new experience added depth and richness to his artistic repertoire.

As attendees marveled at Tayag’s masterful use of color, texture, and composition in his watercolor works, it became evident why his artistry transcends borders and resonates with diverse audiences. With each brushstroke and wash of pigment, Tayag’s paintings convey a profound connection to his Filipino heritage and a deep-seated commitment to artistic excellence.

Overall, the “Claude Tayag Water Colors” exhibition celebrated Tayag’s dedication to his craft and unwavering passion for watercolor painting. Through his art, Tayag invites the audience to experience the beauty and complexity of the world through his unique artistic lens. His legacy as a talented painter continues to inspire and captivate audiences worldwide.

Watercolor Painting Demonstration

Claude Tayag will conduct an art lecture and watercolor painting demonstration on July 14, 2024, at Brillatengrund in Vienna`s 7th District.

Known for his culinary expertise as a columnist for The Philippine Star and author of several culinary-themed books, Tayag’s talents extend beyond the kitchen and into the visual arts.

During the event at Brillatenrund, attendees will have the unique opportunity to witness Tayag’s artistic process firsthand as he shares insights into his creative vision and techniques. From selecting the perfect subject to mastering the delicate balance of light and shadow, Tayag will guide participants through creating a compelling watercolor masterpiece. As a master of both the written word and the visual arts, Tayag’s lecture promises to be an inspiring exploration of the intersection between food, culture, and creativity.

  • Hector Pascua
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