Austria: Why there are so many wasps at the moment?

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Wasps seem particularly numerous this summer and are causing trouble at barbecues and relaxing hours in the garden. But what are the reasons for this? The exact answer to this question depends on various factors. Experts attribute the increased number of wasps to several causes, including:

  • Favorable weather conditions: Last winter was mild, meaning many queen wasps survived and could start building their nests in the spring. In addition, the hot and dry summer offers optimal conditions for developing wasp colonies.
  • Abundant food supply: An abundance of food, such as ripe fruit, sweet juices, or meat scraps, attracts wasps and promotes their reproduction.
  • Disturbance to the nest: If a wasp nest is disturbed, the animals can become aggressive and go in search of food.
  • Natural fluctuations: However, the number of wasps is also subject to natural fluctuations and can vary from year to year.

Why are wasps particularly active in late summer?
Wasp colonies reach their largest size in late summer. The workers are particularly busy looking for food to feed the young queen for the winter. As a result, we encounter wasps more frequently at this time.

What can we do?

  • Keep calm: The animals are irritated by hectic movements and arm waving. It is essential to stay calm and avoid making any sudden movements.
  • Cover sweets: Food and drinks should be covered, especially outdoors.
  • Close garbage cans tightly: Open garbage cans attract wasps.
  • Have the nest removed: If a nest is in the immediate vicinity, hire a professional to remove it.

Wasps are useful
Wasps are perceived as annoying, but they fulfill essential tasks in the ecosystem. They feed on other insects and, thus, contribute to pest control. In addition, some wasp species contribute to the pollination of plants when searching for nectar. They also serve as a food source for bird species and other animals.

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