The City of Vienna is planning extensive subway extensions up to 2035. The “Vienna Plan” provides for examining a further extension of the U2, U3, and U6 lines, which will bring both opportunities and challenges.
The “Vienna Plan” regulates urban planning up to 2035 and includes examining possible extensions to Vienna’s subway lines. Planning Director Thomas Madreiter explained in the program “Wien heute” that it will take at least ten years to review the settlement potential and structural feasibility of a subway.
In-depth examinations for subway extensions in Vienna
At the forefront of the investigations is the question of what costs are incurred per passenger and whether using more cost-effective transport systems such as streetcars or buses would make more economic sense. Only once these comprehensive analyses have been completed will a decision be made on whether the subway projects will be handed over to Wiener Linien for detailed planning. In particular, the possible extensions of the U2 from Wienerberg to Gutheil-Schoder-Gasse, the U3 from Simmering to Kaiserebersdorf, and the U6 towards Stammersdorf will be examined in detail.
New U2 line and connections
The U2 is currently given a new southern line, which will run from Rathaus via Matzleinsdorfer Platz to Wienerberg and should be completed by 2030. In addition, it is being examined whether an additional station to Gutheil-Schoder-Gasse would make sense. “This would allow us to create a link with ÖBB’s Pottendorf line and the Badner Bahn,” explained Madreiter.
Extension of the Vienna U3 and U6 under discussion
The potential extension of the U3 to Kaiserebersdorf is also being examined, and relevant urban development potential must be taken into account. A subway extension or optimization of the existing streetcar system could be discussed here. For the U6 to Stammersdorf, the existing capacities must be taken into account to avoid additional disruptions to the already extensive system.
Fixed U1 extension to Rothneusiedl
In contrast to the tests for the U2, U3, and U6, the extension of the U1 to Rothneusiedl is already a done deal. This new line is crucial for the future development of urban development areas. Madreiter is optimistic that the financing agreement with the federal government will be reached soon so that construction work can possibly begin at the end of this decade and the line can ideally be opened in 2034.
- source: Image by Matthias Poczesniok from Pixabay
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