Austria opens: What applies now?

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Starting today, Austria implements COVID 19 relaxations – here are the rules for a carefree summer.

Tested, recovered vaccinated – many things only with 3 G
Green passport: in gastronomy, tourism, leisure businesses (e.g. gyms), theaters, cinemas, schools, at events with more than 100 people and trade fairs or congresses, visitors must prove one of the 3 Gs. The age limit is raised to 12 years.
Finally the night gastronomy is allowed to open again
Bars, clubs and discos: the clubs that have been closed since mid-March 2020 unlock from today. “Dancing and drinking at the bar” are allowed. Until July 22, there is a capacity restriction of 75%. Then full operation is allowed again with 3 G.
Until July 22, there is still the obligation to register
No curfew & masks: In all pubs from today the curfew falls, neither guests nor staff are no longer obliged to wear masks. The obligation to register remains (as everywhere where 3 G applies) until July 22.
In public transport and trade is switched to a normal mask (MNS).

In commerce, public transport and museums (where 3 G does not apply), the FFP2 mask will be replaced by the mouth-nose-protection obligation. On July 22, this will be dropped in museums and partially in trade, from then on only mouth-nose protection will be mandatory in public transport and stores of daily use.
Trade: In addition: The 10-m2 regulation falls with 1 July.

Marriage and other celebrations
One can marry again and celebrate!
Private celebrations: as of today, there are no more distance, contact and mask bans for friend meetings, birthday and wedding celebrations and other private gatherings.
Large events: All that remains is a notification requirement starting at 100 people and a permit requirement starting at 500 people – and the 3-G rule starting at 100 visitors.
Hospitals and nursing homes. The 3-G rule applies. In old people’s and nursing homes as well as health care facilities, masks are still compulsory, although instead of the FFP2 mask, the simple and less effective mouth-nose protection can also be worn.

— see – Vienna government implements its own COVID rules starting Thursday, 1 July – Austrian News (

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