Why the new iPhones are so terribly expensive

iPhones have always been expensive. But now even the cheapest new 14 model costs around 1000 euros because Apple has increased the euro prices heftily. There are probably several reasons for this, one of which might be: The company can afford it. When Tim Cook & Co. announced the prices of the new iPhone 14 series and the other devices presented, the audience initially noted with pleasant surprise that despite the current crises, the prices remained practically unchanged. But then the Euro prices were revealed, and they have remained anything…

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Omicron vaccine, active against Corona subvariants BA.4 and BA.5, has now been approved by the EMA

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) on Monday approved a Corona vaccine that is also active against Omicron subvariants BA.4 and BA.5.EMA granted approval to bivalent omicron vaccineThe Amsterdam-based EMA said the approval of this Biontech/Pfizer vaccine once again expands the vaccine arsenal to protect against covid-19 as fall and winter approach.The vaccine now approved is a so-called bivalent corona vaccine, designed to defend against both the original form of coronavirus and BA.4 and BA.5, the currently dominant subtypes of the omicron variant of coronavirus. On September 1, the EMA had…

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New Club of Rome report: Humanity is not yet lost

Fifty years ago, the Club of Rome pointed out “The Limits to Growth.” In the meantime, the overloading of the Earth predicted at that time has become a reality. In its new report, the research group looks for ways to still achieve a livable future for humanity. Fifty years ago, the Club of Rome thinks tank shook up the world with its report “The Limits to Growth.” It is the most influential publication on the threat of overburdening our planet. If the global economy did not change, the economy, the…

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Police warns: Hang up immediately with this call!

On Sunday, several people from the Villach and Villach-Land area reported to the police that they had been called by apparently false police officers. The calls were mainly made to elderly persons, most of whom appear in the telephone directory and have a landline telephone. Fraudsters inquire about jewelry The callers with a High German accent pretended to be detectives of the Provincial Criminal Police Office and informed the Carinthians called that they had arrested several persons after a burglary. During the person search a note had been found, on…

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Corona: New Omicron sub-variant BJ.1 also appeared in Austria

The infection situation is still manageable, but experts are closely monitoring developments and are focusing in particular on the spread of new variants. After the recent focus on the Omicron sub-variant BA.2.75, attention is now also being paid to BJ.1, which has already been detected in Europe. This is another subline of Omicron-BA.2, which originally appeared in India, with an additional 14 mutations in the spike protein. As Austrian geneticist Ulrich Elling now announced on Twitter, it has now also arrived in Austria. He wrote on Twitter that. “Another worrying…

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Why do people drive on the left side in England?

In almost every country, cars drive on the right side of the road. But not in the United Kingdom. Why don’t our British neighbors drive on the same side as we do? It hurts a little to admit it, but the English are correct. Because in the very beginning, ALL people drove on the left! The origins of left-hand trafficThe beginnings of these traffic rules can be found in ancient times and the Middle Ages. At that time, people carried weapons on their bodies in everyday life, and most were…

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Step back: The world is getting worse

The U.N. released a troubling report Thursday that found an average of nine out of 10 countries were taking a step backward in development. Why is it that we are not taking action? That was the question posed by the head of the U.N. development agency UNDP, Achim Steiner, after the presentation of the report. Steiner said it is the second time in a row that the global human development index, measured since 1990, has declined. For nine out of 10 countries, the situation has worsened. “The world is lurching…

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After the death of the Queen, the British, anthem, money, and mailboxes change

Anyone walking through London sees her profile almost everywhere: Queen Elizabeth II was on coins, banknotes, and stamps. That will change in the next few years. In the future, the British will also sing the anthem in the name of the new King. For Great Britain, the death of Queen Elizabeth II is an intelligent moment in the country’s history. For the time being, the Queen will continue to be present in the everyday life of the British; after all, her likeness is emblazoned virtually everywhere. However, this will change…

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Rain showers and cooler temperatures this weekend

According to the ZAMG forecast, the weekend will be unsettled in large parts of Austria. With an interplay of sun, clouds, and rain, temperatures will also remain cooler than recently. Rain showers also on SaturdayOn Saturday, first on the northern side of the Alps and in the east, last, fading rain showers will fall. Then, sunny weather will prevail temporarily in the eastern half. However, the storms will intensify considerably in the west and south during the day. In the east, the clouds will also become denser, but there will…

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