King Charles III: Put my life at the service of the people

The new King Charles III has renewed his mother’s promise of lifelong service to his people. The 73-year-old said in his first address to the nation this Friday as the new monarch. He also named his son and heir to the throne William as the fresh Prince of Wales and his wife Kate (both 40) as Princess of Wales. His mother had once promised to devote “her whole life, may it be short or long,” to the service of her subjects. Charles said that she had kept that promise, and…

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Adapted Corona vaccine arrived in Austria

On Friday, Biontech/Pfizer’s adapted vaccine arrived in Austria, which is also designed to protect against the BA.1 omicron variant. Seven hundred fifty-seven thousand doses of Biontech and Pfizer’s bivalent coronavirus vaccine arrived in Austria on Friday. The Health Ministry announced that the vaccine is an adapted version of the original Comirnaty vaccine that additionally targets Omikron BA.1. The vaccine was delivered in the past two days, APA reports. After months of testing, the EU’s EMA gave the green light last week. Hopefully, this vaccine will also be more effective against…

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4,282 new corona infections in Austria on Friday

In the last 24 hours, Austria had a total of 4,282 new corona virus infections. Most cases on Friday were reported in Vienna, with nearly 1,100. The number of hospital patients with Corona infection decreased by 13 to 914 on Friday compared to the previous day. Forty-seven were treated in intensive care units, up four from Thursday. There were officially 4,282 new infections, above the seven-day average of 3,984. Five people died within 24 hours from covid (weekly average: six per day). Overall, the pandemic has claimed 19,478 lives in…

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Elizabeth II – the queen of generations

For more than seven decades, Elizabeth II sat on the British throne. The vast majority of people know only her as the representative of the United Kingdom. Her immense fund of political experience made her an influential advisor. The Queen is dead; long live the king! The inconceivable for many people has happened – Queen Elizabeth II, on the British throne since February 1952 and thus the most extended reigning head of state in the world, is dead. She was called the “eternal queen,” Most people on earth only know…

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Train travel is getting more expensive – ÖBB is now raising prices

ÖBB boss Andreas Matthä announces slight price increases. Kleine Zeitung reported this on Thursday. The wave of inflation is also spilling over into rail transport. “We will increase prices in passenger transport very moderately at the end of the year, well below the inflation rate. With all the pain we will have here,” the “Kleine Zeitung” quoted the railroad boss on Thursday. This means that tickets will become more expensive. In freight transport, the railroad is confronted with massive electricity price increases, especially abroad, the ÖBB boss further emphasized. The…

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500-euro bonus and one-time payments: The anti-inflation measures in detail

The government’s relief package consists of many individual points: One-off payments for pensioners, a 500-euro climate bonus, and an electricity price brake. For those who have lost track, here is a detailed look at all the anti-inflation measures. Details on the electricity price brakeThe entire relief package consists of many individual points. In total, almost 35.2 billion euros will be invested to counteract the effects of inflation and massively increased energy prices in Austria. The first two relief packages were approved at the beginning of the year, the third in…

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King Charles III – new monarch after death of mother, Queen Elisabeth II

Prince Charles (73) wants to modernize the royal household. He also wants to move into a relatively small apartment in Buckingham Palace. Prince Charles already cared about converting his estates to eco-farming in the past. The new “eco-king” already revealed some ideas on how he wants to modernize the royal family. At the top of the agenda is a “slimming diet.” Fewer official family members will be entitled to an appanage and lifetime residency rights in the apartments of various palaces (such as the Queen’s cousins). Charles also intends to…

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Queen Elizabeth II is dead, Charles III new British king

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II is dead. The palace announced that the Queen died peacefully at her Scottish country residence, Balmoral Castle, on Thursday at 96. Elizabeth II was on the throne longer than any other British monarch. She was head of state of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and more than a dozen other countries, including Canada, New Zealand, and Australia. Her death marks the end of an era. Elizabeth II is inherited by her son Charles (73). The Queen’s grandson Prince William (40), will succeed to the throne. Number…

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4,948 new infections in Austria

From Wednesday to Thursday, 4,948 new infections were registered in Austria. In addition, 12 deaths related to coronavirus were reported. Currently, there are 58,651 confirmed corona infections in Austria. To date, there have been 4,940,768 positive test results in Austria. Currently, 19,473 people with SARS-CoV-2 infection have died, and 4,862,644 have recovered across Austria. 43 in intensive care unitsCurrently, 927 people infected with the coronavirus are receiving hospital care. Of these, 43 are being cared for in intensive care units. New infections in the provincesBurgenland: 182Carinthia: 309Lower Austria: 1,489Upper Austria:…

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