Vacation season: Is it better to leave the shutters up or down?

Breaking into your house or apartment: Burglars prefer to do this when nobody is there—during the vacation season, for example. To prevent them from even noticing that you are away, ask your neighbors to empty your letterbox regularly while you are away. Don’t include your address on your profiles, and don’t share posts that show your absence. Do not forget: Even the status message that you are in the pub around the corner can be an “invitation for burglars,” according to the German VdS Schadenverhütung, which is a subsidiary of…

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Austrian-Filipino administrators of home for the aged in Vienna are making a significant impact in the lives of both their co-workers and the residents they serve.

Hilda Koschier, the head of nursing management of WIE DAHAM Töllergarten (Pflegedirektorin), and Daniel Garces, administrator of WIE DAHAM Donaustadt and Töllergarten, (Verwaltungsleitung), both Austrians with Filipino backgrounds, are not only well-loved and respected, but they are also actively involving the Filipino community in Vienna in the activities of the old folk home. On June 21, 2024 Hilda and Daniel hosted their annual Sommerfest, where they invited guests to celebrate and enjoy the day. What set this event apart was their decision to engage Filipino groups to entertain the residents.…

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Waiting time after the rinse cycle: Why it’s important

Many empty their dishwashers immediately after the wash cycle, but this is not always the best decision. According to an article on, there are good reasons why it’s better to wait 20 minutes before opening the machine. The hot steam that escapes when the dishwasher is opened immediately can spread throughout the kitchen and increase the risk of mold growth. Wooden furniture near the dishwasher, in particular, can swell due to the moisture. If you keep the dishwasher closed after the wash cycle, the moisture inside can condense and…

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Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day?

Why do so many people skip breakfast? The main reason is to save calories, followed by the feeling of still being full from the previous evening or the conscious adherence to an intermittent fasting program until midday. Others simply have no appetite in the morning. But it’s not a good idea to skip breakfast. That’s why it’s time to start your day with a good breakfast! When should you have breakfast?Eating breakfast in a hurry at 7:00 a.m. is unnecessary while you’re getting the kids ready for school or are…

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Major concern: more than six million dengue cases

Brazil is currently experiencing the worst dengue outbreak in history. More than 4,000 people have died as a result. Brazil is currently battling the worst dengue outbreak the country has ever had. According to the Ministry of Health, more than six million infections have been reported since the beginning of the year. The comparison makes it clear: the largest epidemic to date was in 2015, where “only” 1.6 million cases were counted in The entire year.According to the figures, 4,019 deaths from the infection have already been confirmed. In the…

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Longest day, shortest night: summer is here

Summer solstice 2024, as early as in the 18th centuryThe time of the summer solstice is particularly early this year. The last time it took place this early was more than 200 years ago, in 1796 – a year of the French Revolution in which Austrian troops were defeated several times by Napoleon’s army. This is what it’s all about:Astronomical summer is approaching.The longest day and the shortest night of the year are celebrated in the northern hemisphere.This year, the summer solstice falls on June 20, usually June 21.At 22:50…

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Can you take the blanket off the plane?

On long-haul flights, you usually find a blanket and a pillow in your seat. These items are usually wrapped in foil. Can I take the blanket and pillow with me after the flight? The blanket and pillow are intended to make a stay of several hours in the airplane seat more comfortable. So you can cover yourself up nicely and get through the flight hours snuggled up. However, if you think of taking the blanket off the plane, you should abandon the idea. You can’t do that, and the blanket…

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The countdown to the climate bonus is on

Although the payments won’t start until after the summer, Austrians have already received mail from the Austrian government. As in previous years, the climate bonus will be paid out again this year – “after the summer” to all people who have had their main residence in Austria for more than six months – automatically and without an application. But mail from the Ministry of Climate Protection is already fluttering through the letterbox. “Today” explains what it’s all about. This year, too, the amount of the climate bonus depends on where…

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Sunglasses in the car – beware of this penalty

The travel season begins. And that means tens of thousands of people are heading south again, usually by car. If you wear sunglasses, you have to be careful. They look good and protect against the sun’s UV rays, but sunglasses can become a problem in traffic. Especially during the vacation season, tens of thousands of Austrians go on vacation by car again, and numerous checks exist. Many people don’t realize that the little accessory on your nose can even lead to penalties. “Sunglasses come in shades on a scale between…

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