A good night’s sleep: what is the ideal temperature in the bedroom?

To get a good night’s sleep, it’s essential to ensure the temperature in your bedroom is set correctly. A researcher explains how to set the thermostat correctly. You’ve probably already noticed, but it’s harder to sleep when it’s too hot or cold. This can be explained scientifically, and an ideal temperature is supposed to guarantee a better night’s sleep. The effects of sleep on our health and productivityThe heatwave is finally over; many of us have suffered. Sleeping in the heat is very uncomfortable; we toss and turn in our…

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Survey: 42 per cent of Austrians use their mobile phones on the toilet

According to a survey, 42 percent of Austrians use their mobile phones to pass the time on the toilet. The figure is slightly higher for our neighbors in Switzerland (45 percent) and significantly higher in Italy (63 percent), according to a YouGov survey commissioned by online retailer Galaxus. Of those Austrians who use their smartphones on the toilet, 17 percent always do so, 29 percent often, 44 percent occasionally, and one in ten only rarely. Study on mobile phone use in the toiletPeople in Germany and France were also asked…

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This setting significantly improves the battery life of your iPhone

A low battery is one of the biggest annoyances in everyday smartphone use. Battery packs can alleviate the problem a little. Even though high-performance power banks are available for around 20 euros, carrying these devices around is quite annoying. Unnecessary turningSometimes, however, it can also be helpful to take a closer look at the settings on your iPhone. If you tweak a few settings, you can at least limit the energy consumption of your Apple mobile phone to some extent. Depending on which apps you have installed on your iPhone,…

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After the onset of winter: Rising temperatures in sight

The frosty days of April will soon end, as a milder weather period is on the horizon. After a chilly start with wintry influences, there are signs of a rise in temperatures that could even bring summery feelings. Here is a look at the upcoming weather development. Rising temperatures in sightThe coming days promise gradually warmer temperatures and drier weather. There will be more sunshine at the weekend, while the morning high fog and snow cover in the mountains will remind us of last winter. With southerly foehn winds, temperatures…

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New radar devices catch mobile phone offenders off guard

New radar technology combined with artificial intelligence is set to monitor road traffic even more accurately in the future. Mobile phones at the wheel can be expensive. Speed, distance, red lights and now also mobile phone use! Radar devices will be able to monitor more and more regulations and bans more precisely. Background: Distractions (mostly caused by mobile phones) are now the most common cause of fatal accidents in Austria. At 25.6 percent, this cause is even higher than speeding (22.7 percent). Law enforcement agencies now want to counter this…

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City of Vienna launches major personnel offensive

By 2030, around 21,000 new employees will be needed in various areas. With this in mind, the city is launching a major personnel campaign to showcase the enormous range of professional fields and individual career paths. Prospective employees can choose from 250 occupational groups and a wide range of different and diverse areas of responsibility. With around 67,000 employees, the City of Vienna is one of the largest employers in the country. And those who work for Vienna actively shape their own living space. With the new “Working for Vienna”…

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Thousands of euros every day: What happens to the money in Rome’s famous Trevi Fountain?

Every day, visitors to Rome throw thousands of coins into the famous Trevi Fountain. Numerous tourists crowd in front of the iconic Trevi Fountain – especially in the high season. When travelling to Rome, they don’t just want to admire the baroque building, they also want to throw a few coins into it. Throwing the money over your left shoulder with your right hand is important. According to legend, this ensures you will soon return to the Italian capital. A second coin is said to make you fall in love…

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A bilateral forum for business leaders from Austria and the Philippines will be held on Friday, April 26, 2024, at the Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, 1045 Wien. The event marks an important highlight in the Austrian-Philippine Friendship Week and takes place ahead of the planned trip of WKO Secretary General Karlheinz Kopf to Manila from May 13 to 17, 2024. A significant milestone in Philippine-Austrian relations was the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Recruitment of Qualified Professionals from the Philippines in October 2023. This memorandum lays…

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Weather in Austria: The return of early summer is imminent

April got off to a promising start with temperatures that heralded the arrival of summer. In some places, the thermometers even reached 30 degrees, prompting many to enjoy the first rays of sunshine at the swimming lakes. But then came the sudden onset of winter. From Friday: the return of springSpring returns on Friday. Despite the risk of frost in the morning, temperatures will rise significantly during the day compared to last week. With temperatures between 12 and 17 degrees Celsius and plenty of sunshine, the early summer comeback is…

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