84 new Covid 19 infections in Austria

Coronavirus new infections in Austria remain stable. From yesterday to today, 84 new infections were reported. Five additional deaths related to covid-19 have been reported since Monday. To date, there have been 650,901 positive test results in Austria. As of today, 10,718 people across Austria have died as a result of the coronavirus and 638,456 have recovered. Currently, 128 people are in hospital care due to the virus. Of these, 47 are being cared for in intensive care units. Seven-day incidence up slightlyA few days after Corona measures were relaxed,…

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Pope’s surgery was more complicated than planned

Pope Francis’ intestinal surgery has reportedly been more complicated than anticipated. The operation was originally planned by means of so-called keyhole surgery, several Italian media reported on Tuesday. In such minimally invasive procedures, a camera and the necessary instruments are guided through small incisions in the abdomen to the area to be operated on. Because of a scar from a previous operation in the abdomen, doctors eventually had to perform a laparotomy on the pope, a surgical procedure in which the abdominal cavity is opened, according to the reports. According…

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Opinion: Time for freedom

Worries about crowded restaurants or store crowds are a reflex from the last twelve months. The reality now is different. Summer is coming to the country and people are going outdoors. The pedestrian zones fill up, the stores and restaurants, first outside, then inside. High spirits, big crowds, finally. But many people feel queasy when they see the pictures: isn’t this dangerous and downright irresponsible? Since the beginning of the pandemic, it’s been like the yo-yo: phases of easing up were soon followed by restriction, and lockdown was followed by…

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Coronavirus worldwide: Israel reports significantly lower effectiveness of Pfizer/Biontech vaccine, spectators at Olympics to be reduced

About 184 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 3.98 million infected people have died. About 3.2 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. The latest developmentsIn Israel, the effectiveness of the Pfizer/Biontech vaccination against the coronavirus has waned significantly in recent weeks, according to the Health Ministry. In parallel, the more aggressive delta variant has spread in the country, the ministry announced on Monday evening (July 5). Since June 6, the vaccine’s effectiveness in preventing infection in Israel has dropped…

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Vienna: rush for Corona vaccinations without appointments high

A special vaccination campaign was launched in Vienna over the weekend. In this, people can get vaccinated against the coronavirus without an appointment. The rush was great. Almost all of Austria is already vaccinating without an appointment Not only at the Vienna Rathausplatz – – the rush to Corona vaccinations without appointment is large. Numerous people also flocked to the Austria Center on Monday to be immunized without an appointment. Until Sunday (July 11), interested people who have not yet been vaccinated and are over 18 years old can be…

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HEAT WAVE RETURNS: Up to 38 degrees in Austria

Summer has only taken a short break in recent days: the mega-heat returns on Tuesday. Today – Tuesday: Up to 34 degrees Celsius are expected on Tuesday, with bright sunshine. On Wednesday, it will remain hot, and then summer thunderstorms and rain showers may occur again. On Thursday, initial weather forecasts indicate even more extreme temperatures: According to weather reports, the highs on Thursday are up to 39 degrees! Will we even crack the 40 degrees this week? The felt temperatures should reach in any case over 40 degrees, because…

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Record number of new infections in Africa

A record number of new coronavirus infections have been recorded in Africa over the past week. Between Monday and Sunday, more than 36,000 new infections were detected daily on the continent, according to an AFP count based on government data. South Africa, where the delta variant of the coronavirus is currently spreading rapidly, has been the hardest hit. On average, 36,141 new CoV cases were detected per day in Africa last week. This significantly exceeded the previous high of 32,609 new daily infections recorded in January. In the meantime, the…

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England ends all Corona measures despite delta variant

All Corona measures are due to end in England on July 19. Distance rules, mandatory masks and the home office requirement will then be dropped, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirmed Monday. Pubs will no longer have to serve exclusively at the table, and there will no longer be space restrictions at major events in stadiums and arenas. Johnson stressed that the binding decision would be made after a further review of pandemic data next Monday (July 12). In the U.K., the number of new Corona infections had increased significantly…

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Austrian Vaccination panel: vaccination with 2 different vaccines possible

The national vaccination panel has updated the recommendations for use of Corona vaccine. It now states that cross-vaccination is also possible under certain circumstances. A vaccine switch should be offered if those vaccinated suffered severe side effects after the first dose. Also, if a switch is “strongly desirable from the point of view of the person to be vaccinated,” it will be made possible. First vector, then mRNAIn Germany, the Standing Commission on Vaccination (STIKO) already came out in favor of cross-vaccination on July 1. Here, it was specified that…

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