UP TO 37 GRADES: Hottest day of the year

ForecastIt will be turbulent again, the meteorologists agree. Today, the previous heat record of the year should fall. Experts believe that temperatures of up to 37 degrees are possible. This maximum value is realistic in northern Burgenland. A high with the name “Afra” pulls again with all strength the heat from Africa over the Mediterranean Sea up to us. Record JuneAccording to ZAMG (Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik), this June is one of the five hottest of all times. It may even make it to third place, that will be…

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Coronavirus worldwide: Official EU vaccination certificate launch July 1 to provide relief

More than 181 million people have tested positive for the virus worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. More than 3.9 million infected people have died. More than 2.8 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide. The latest developmentsShortly before the official launch of the EU vaccination certificate, all EU countries are connected to the common technology needed for it. This also applies to Norway and Iceland. At which points the certificates facilitate vacations, shopping trips, visits to events and restaurants or weekend trips is determined by each country. The EU…

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Public transport: The Vienna night subway is running again

The Vienna night subway returns. After the corona-related break, the trains will be running again for the first time in the night from Friday to Saturday. The metro’s night service was launched in 2010. It is offered on weekends and the night before holidays. After the outbreak of the pandemic, the service had been suspended in March 2020. Now that gastro hours have been extended, the UBahn are once again running every 15 minutes at night. The additional streetcar line U2Z will also be available on the Ring. It was…

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Highest temperature in Canada’s history: 46.6 degrees

In a heat wave in western Canada, local authorities have recorded the highest temperature in the history of the North American country. In the city of Lytton (British Columbia province), authorities recorded 46.6 degrees on Sunday, according to the local weather agency. This clearly surpassed the previous record of 45 degrees set in Midale (Saskatchewan) in 1937. Local record temperatures of well over 40 degrees were also recorded in numerous other locations in North America, including the state of Oregon in the western United States. Heat is forecast to continue…

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A good 400 new infections Incidence now only 5.4 according to RKI

While experts warn of a spread of the delta variant, only a few people are currently infected with the coronavirus. According to the RKI, authorities across Germany are counting just over 400 new cases within one day. The seven-day incidence drops slightly to 5.4. Health authorities in Germany have reported 404 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within one day. This is according to figures from Tuesday morning, which reflect the status of the RKI dashboard as of 4:24 am. That compares with 455 infections a week…

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Australia: Four metropolises now in lockdown

With Brisbane and Perth, lockdowns to contain the coronavirus are now in effect again in four metropolitan areas in Australia as of today. “These are tough decisions,” said Queensland state government leader Annastacia Palaszczuk. This means that a total of around ten million people in Australia, and thus more than a third of the population, are now affected by the far-reaching measures. The restrictions will initially be in place for three days in Brisbane and four days in Perth. “We’re having lockdowns in major cities because overseas arrivals are bringing…

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Warning of “mini-epidemics” in autumn

Microbiologist Michael Wagner of the University of Vienna warns in an interview with “Wien heute” of “mini-epidemics” in the fall. These can arise if not enough people are vaccinated. “If only 80 percent of Austrians get vaccinated, we still have millions who will be there unvaccinated in the fall and that can then lead to mini-epidemics, which then burden everyone,” Wagner said in the interview. In Vienna, about 48 percent of the total population is currently vaccinated, but the under-25 age group is only about five percent. There is currently…

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mRNA vaccination could offer lifelong protection

While the past few days and weeks have been dominated by negative headlines regarding the delta variant, Monday was the first day of positive news from research circles regarding the fight against the coronavirus. According to a new study, mRNA vaccines, such as those from Moderna and Pfizer/Biontech, could provide an immune response from the body for years, preventing corona infections or severe disease progression. Vaccinated individuals who have undergone disease could have lifelong protection in the first place. The findings were published in Nature. Memory cells in lymph nodesThe…

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New Corona ordinance in Austria to be implemented on July 1, 2021

In the course of Monday, the Ministry of Health will issue a new Corona regulation. It brings numerous relaxations from July 1. In its online platform, derstandard.at summarized in detail what will apply from Thursday. Question: In what particular places should I still use the FFP2 mask? Answer: A mask obligation will give it, so at least that was announced, only in public, business and museums, thus everywhere, where no three-G-proof must be furnished. As far as is known so far, however, a mouth-nose protection will be sufficient in these…

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