The U.S. has eased its travel warning for American citizens to dozens of countries in the Corona pandemic. The State Department in Washington rates destinations on a scale of one to four – Switzerland, along with countries such as Italy, France, Germany, Mexico and Canada, is now back on level three of the warning system as of Tuesday (8. 6.). This means that American citizens should reconsider their travel plans. Previously, the highest level was four, which was maintained for several other EU countries such as Portugal, Belgium, the Netherlands…
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Vienna: Vaccination for over 20-year-olds could be ready by the end of July
Susanne Drapalik, president of the Arbeiter-Samariterbund Wien, said that the first vaccination for 20 years old and above might take place at the end of July, beginning of August. “It depends on how much vaccine the government gets and gives to Vienna. We are confident that this will work out and that we will soon be able to vaccinate the young who like to go out and party,” she told the Austrian Television ORF. Currently, she said, the vaccination is being prepared for the twelve- to 15-year-olds. “When the vaccination…
Read MoreVaccination also protects against Indian variant.
The Indian mutant is up to 40 percent more contagious than the common Corona variant, but can be well controlled with full immunization. The mutant makes vaccination all the more important. Vorarlberger infected after trip to ViennaAccording to the British government, the so-called delta variant (B.1.617.2) of the coronavirus is 40 percent more infectious than the original form of the Covid 19 pathogen. In the U.K., the variant, which was first detected in India, is already considered prevalent and can lead to more severe covid 19 disease, according to the…
Read MoreNew Corona rules to be implemented on Thursday
The countdown to the next opening steps or relaxations in Austria is on! On June 10, there will be further easing throughout the country. The reason for further relaxations is obvious: in recent weeks, the Corona situation in Austria has continued to improve, and the number of new infections has also remained at a low level for some time. For example, the value of 400 Corona cases in 24 hours has not been exceeded for several days; the last time this was the case was on June 2 with exactly…
Read MoreCOVID 19 Relaxations now also valid in churches
Relaxed corona rules also apply to churches and religious communities from June 10.Analogous to the general protective measures, FFP2 masks will then no longer have to be worn during public outdoor religious services. The minimum distance will generally be halved to one meter for all masses, Culture Minister Susanne Raab (ÖVP) announced in a dispatch on Tuesday after talks with religious representatives. On the part of the Roman Catholic Church it was said that at church services in closed rooms the wearing of FFP2 masks remains obligatory. When receiving communion,…
Read MoreNo appointments for vaccination via
This is why there are currently no new vaccination dates in ViennaSince last Wednesday, there are no appointments for the first vaccination in Vienna. The reason:A delivery failure of almost 52,000 Pfizer doses. Pfizer’s delivery failure is upsetting Vienna’s vaccination schedule. Appointments for first-time vaccinations cannot be booked since last Wednesday. Only operational vaccinations continue to take place. Here, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson is now being used. Until the middle of the week, there will probably be no new appointments, explains a spokesman for Health Councillor Peter Hacker to…
Read More243 new infections were registered in Austria on Tuesday
Yesterday, 279 new infections were reported, the third lowest figure since September. Only one additional death was registered. The trend of decreasing new infections continues today, with 243 new infections and seven additional deaths related to Covid-19 reported in Austria from yesterday to today. The number of new infections was thus below the average of the past seven days (310 new infections per day). The seven-day incidence per 100,000 population is thus below 25, at 24.4. Still relatively high, however, is the number of deaths from or with Covid 19…
Read MoreStudy: Corona vaccine combination increases immune response
German scientists announced on Monday that a combination of the Corona vaccines from Astrazeneca and Biontech/Pfizer significantly increases the body’s immune response. Researchers and scientists at the Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany investigated the immune responses of defense reactions of 250 people from different test groups. Some participants received a part of both vaccinations with only one active substance. The others were first vaccinated with Astrazeneca, then with Biontech/Pfizer. Double Biontech/Pfizer vaccinations or combined vaccinations with theAstrazeneca and Biontech/Pfizer preparations showed “significantly higher” efficacies than double immunizations with efficacies than…
Read MoreVienna: Fewer positive self-tests in schools again
There have been 494 positive Corona self-tests in Viennese schools in the week from last Friday. With a record number of 2.6 million tests conducted (previous week: 2.5 million), this was 110 “hits” less than the previous week (604). That translates into a rate of 0.02 percent (previous week: also 0.02 percent). Meanwhile, not a single school is closed because of clustered Corona cases. About one-third of tests probably false-positivePupils again accounted for the majority of positive test results (435), and there were 59 among school staff. As in previous…
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