Up to 17 degrees: it remains far too warm

It will continue to be much too warm for February this coming weekend. Double-digit temperatures of up to 17 degrees are expected throughout Austria. However, it will continue to rain in large parts of the country. On Friday morning, there will be some regional fog or high fog, especially in the Danube region, the Waldviertel, or basin locations in the south. Apart from that, the sun will shine for a long time during the day, and only a few loose patches of cloud will pass by. In the west, however,…

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Why you should wait at least 15 minutes before opening your dishwasher after the end of the program

If you open the dishwasher immediately as soon as it’s done, you might want to rethink your behavior. There is a good reason to resist the urge to open the dishwasher door immediately after completion of the cycle, and understanding this could protect your kitchen from unintended damage. According to Nyheder24.dk, many believe opening the dishwasher immediately after the cycle can speed up drying. However, this common practice could be counterproductive. Hurrying to ventilate the dishwasher could accidentally damage your kitchen cabinets and desks. The air escapes from the dishwasher…

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New feature: It’s so easy to get your registration certificate on your cell phone

Things are no longer quite so dusty in the local offices in Austria. Some official channels and official documents have even been transferred to smartphones. The digital admission slip is the latest feature to be added to the Republic’s official apps. In the smartphone app “eAusweise”, the driver’s license and the registration certificate can now be presented in digital form in case of a traffic stop. The digital vehicle registration can be sent to your smartphone in just a few moments with a few clicks. It’s surprisingly quick and easy…

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West Nile virus spreads: Austria also affected

The West Nile virus is increasingly spreading in Europe. Austria is also affected by the virus, but the risk of infection or even a fatal outcome is rather low here, according to researchers. The West Nile virus is becoming increasingly common, particularly in urban areas and where intensive farming is carried out, as researchers report in the journal “Plos Pathogens.”. Austria is also affected by it, which mostly infects birds, rarely humans and is transmitted by mosquitoes. “However, the risk of contracting West Nile fever in Austria is still low,”…

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Fasting: Dos and Don’ts for beginners

I’m a big fan of fasting. Because fasting is the best thing we can let our bodies do. The body can regenerate break down fat in peace, and it is a true fountain of youth. We get or remain slim and fit better than ever, all without much effort. Food abstinence triggers a biochemical shift in the body. Once you have fasted, you could learn that fasting is not really a renunciation but rather a gain. Fasting is THE compensation for everything that is not good for us. Too much…

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Cold or warm water? The best way to kill germ

According to a common misconception, hand washing is only effective with warm water. That is not true. Whether it is cold or warm, it depends on something else. We have known about the effectiveness of regular hand washing since the coronavirus pandemic. Essential: soap and water. But does it have to be warm water, or is cold water enough to wash away dirt, viruses, and germs effectively? Scientists have also thought about this and tested the effectiveness of soap (antibacterial versus non-antibacterial) in combination with different water temperatures (4 degrees,…

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Mild weather in Austria

The mild temperatures are already reminding us of spring. The spring weather currently divides Upper Austria into two camps: one is happy and enjoys the mild temperatures, and the other—especially operators of smaller ski lifts—wants new snow as soon as possible. It is mid-February, and there is little snow in many parts of Austria. Last time, the temperatures even climbed to 20 degrees. It’s quite unusual for this season. In Vienna, the highs since February 3 are daily above the 10-degree mark, and the end of this series is in…

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Feng Shui warns: an item you should never have in the bedroom

If you are looking for more love and tenderness in your relationship, simple but effective advice from the Feng Shui teaching might be helpful: Avoid setting up a mirror in the bedroom. This recommendation is based on centuries-old Chinese practice, which aims to harmonize energy flows in a space to promote the well-being and happiness of the people living there. According to the friend, the bedroom is considered an important and healing place, which should radiate peace and harmony. According to Feng Shui, mirrors placed in the bedroom or attached…

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Ash Wednesday: The first day of the fast

Ash Wednesday has been referred to since the 6th century as that Wednesday before the 6th Sunday before Easter (»Invocabit«). The special thing about this day is the beginning of the great 40-day Christian fast, which lasts until Easter. With the inclusion of Holy Friday and Holy Saturday and with the exception of Sundays, exactly 40 fasting days occur before the highest Christian feast, the memory of the resurrection of Christ. Ash Wednesday is usually in February or March and is the beginning of fasting for many Christians. The word…

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