I can do it! Tips for keeping your New Year’s resolutions in 2024!

The inner bastard usually has us firmly in its grip. To ensure that your New Year’s resolution doesn’t leave you with a guilty conscience, here are some tips to help you put your resolution into practice now. Limit yourself to a few important resolutions. If you focus on too many plans at once, you will put yourself under too much stress and will hardly be able to follow through on all the points in a disciplined manner. Therefore, the list of good intentions should not be too long; it is…

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These price increases are fixed: where we will pay more in 2024

These inflation rates are fixed. Where will we pay more in 2024?Even being ill will be more expensive next year; the prescription fee is increasing. Here’s an overview of where else you can expect higher costs. Austria’s salary will rise noticeably in the coming year. This is partly because new collective wage agreements have already been reached in many sectors (average increase: around 9 percent) and partly because the government is finally eliminating the “cold progression” pay rise, i.e., a slide to the next salary level when you receive a…

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The weather forecast for the start of the new year 2024

There doesn’t seem to be any real winter cold in Austria at the turn of the year. Geosphere Austria’s meteorologists expect a mild westerly flow with a slight disturbance influence for the coming week. The forecast for the individual days: The weather in the new year 2024 will be mildMonday: In the eastern half of Austria, the new year will start with dense clouds from a cold front, bringing rain and showers with a snow line between 700 and 1,000 meters above sea level. However, the weather will calm down…

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Simply be grateful: how to start the new year on a positive note

Instead of making good resolutions, such as exercising or changing your diet, you can simply be grateful at the start of the year. And you can even practice this with apps, diaries, or simply a piece of paper.They are a real classic at the turn of the year: good resolutions. While we are still ready to hit the ground running in January, our motivation is rapidly declining by February at the latest. But why do we strive for change in the first place instead of simply being grateful for what…

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Only one day left! What you have to do now because of the ORF fee

The old GIS fee is only valid for one more day. From Monday, all Austrian households will have to pay for ORF. What do you have to do now? First, the good news is that ORF will be slightly cheaper starting Monday for those who have already paid the GIS fee. The bad news: Anyone with a television who has not paid anything to date will be asked to pay the new household fee. This applies regardless of whether you consume ORF or not. Even those who do not want…

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12 degrees, snow – completely crazy weather on New Year’s Eve

The low-pressure system “Costa” is making for a very changeable turn of the year this year. Everything from spring-like temperatures to rain and snow. The year 2023 is slowly but surely drawing to a close. However, the outlook for New Year’s Eve is pretty mixed. In the foehn-like Montafon and south-east of Styria, the thermometer rises to 12 degrees during the day; towards the evening, the low-pressure system “Costa” ensures that it then clouds over in the west and south and rain sets in from Vorarlberg to Carinthia, with the…

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How much will the world’s population have grown in 2023?

The US Census Bureau reports that the world’s population grew by 75 million last year and is expected to exceed 8 billion on New Year’s Day. Last year’s growth rate was 0.95%, marking a significant increase in global population numbers. Remarkable growth in Nigeria Nigeria, one of the countries with a high birth rate, has a population of 230,842,743, making it the sixth largest country in the world. The global population is expected to increase to 8,019,876,189 by January 1, 2024, an increase of 75,162,541 (0.95%) compared to January 1,…

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Chriztel Renae Aceveda, Filipina, is the winner of the Croatian Supertalent 2023

In the lavish finale of the 10th season of Supertalent on December 24, 2023, 12 candidates performed, who, through eight auditions and four semi-final episodes, won over the jury and the audience with their incredible talents. The jury then chose three points that entered the superfinals, and viewers decided the winner by phone calls. The winner had been awarded 30 thousand euros. Twelve-year-old Chriztel Renae Aceveda has already shown incredible talent at the audition, which was specially recognized by the studio audience and awarded with a golden button. She chose…

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Survey: These are Austrians’ most common New Year’s resolutions for 2024

Sport, losing weight, or a healthier lifestyle: New Year’s resolutions are simply part of New Year’s Eve. This year, there are big differences in the plans of singles and people in a relationship. 85 percent of Austrians have New Year’s resolutions. This is according to a study conducted on behalf of the online dating agency ElitePartner by the digital market and research institute Marketagent.com. From November 29 to December 9, 2023, 1,510 web-active Austrians between the ages of 18 and 75 were surveyed, 476 of whom were single. The results…

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