Researchers: migrants are indispensable

Without people with foreign citizenship, it would no longer be possible to do business in certain sectors, emphasized sociologist Jörg Flecker from the University of Vienna at an online press conference organized by the Science Network Discourse. In the cleaning and care of buildings, in the hotel and catering industry, and the provision of temporary workers, for example, more than half of the dependent employees are not Austrian citizens, while in the food industry, construction, and care, a third are still Austrian citizens. “If a third of the workforce is…

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Scammers lure you in with fake jobs: How to recognize job scamming

Fraudsters are increasingly luring people in with job offers that promise big money. AK gives tips on how to spot fake jobs. On job platforms such as LinkedIn or Xing, there are always job offers that entice you with a home office and a high income. Such job offers are also sent by email, and many influencers advertise jobs on social media that allow you to earn a lot of money without a lot of work. What all job offers have in common is that they bring losses and trouble.…

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Vienna is the “most liveable city” for the 3rd time

Austria’s capital city has once again completely impressed in the “Global Liveability Ranking” – Vienna once again came first out of 172 competitors. When it comes to the points that count, Vienna always manages to score full marks. This year, for example, the British “Economist” once again named Vienna the most liveable city, rating stability, healthcare system, education and infrastructure. A total of 172 cities underwent this evaluation. For the third time in a row, however, there was only room for Vienna in first place. Another major European city made…

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Ö3 warns of traffic congestion from Friday

This means traffic jams on many routes. We start on Friday afternoon on the city excursions. The peak for this weekend is expected by the Ö3 traffic editorial on Saturday. The congestion of hotspots from Friday: In ViennaIt becomes exciting on the Südosttangente (A23), the Altmannsdorferstraße and the Southern Highway (A2), in Linz on the Mühlkreisautobahn (A7) and on the Wienerstraße in front of Ebelsberg. In Salzburg A10, the Tauern highway, between Golling and Werfen, is in front of the tunnel sections. Although two tracks will be available in both…

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On Sunday, temperatures of up to 35 degrees are expected in Vienna

Up to Sunday, the days are in the sign of increasing heat. Geosphere Austria expects a regional peak to reach 35 degrees. Only then will storms and cooling follow, according to the forecast published on Thursday. On Friday, you can expect at least temporary sunshine. From noon, spring clouds form, and especially in the west and north, there are a few rains and thunderstorms.The wind is weak to moderate in the Danube valley, and thunderstorms are partly lively from south to northwest. In the morning, the temperatures range from 11…

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Mosquito invasion after flooding in Vienna

An increasing number of mosquitoes are currently making themselves felt in Vienna. According to mosquito expert Bernhard Seidel, this is because two weeks after the floods in Lower Austria, a brood of flood mosquitoes hatched all at once. According to Seidel, the Viennese should soon remove their uninvited guests. “If it stays nice, the flood angels will be history in three weeks.” Improvement. Overall, Vienna is experiencing “a normal mosquito year”, Hans Peter Führer, a parasitologist at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, told ORF. “The last two years were…

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30 degrees and more: temperatures remain summery

After a sunny and warm start to the week, it will remain summery throughout Austria in the coming days. The expected temperatures of around 30 degrees are in line with the season. However, the likelihood of rain will increase from the middle of the week. The meteorologists at Geosphere Austria (formerly the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, ZAMG) also forecast an increased tendency for thunderstorms in the second half of the week. According to the forecast, it will be mostly sunny on Tuesday. A few clouds are most likely…

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Warning of severe thunderstorms and blistering heat

The first heatwave of the year is currently sweeping Austria. It is getting hotter daily, with the mercury shooting up to 36 degrees on Friday. On Friday and from night to Saturday, the severe weather center warns of severe thunderstorms. While the heat will peak in eastern Austria on Friday at up to 36 degrees, thunderstorms are expected to start in the west. The thunderstorms will then spread eastwards, according to meteorologists. Friday should be quite sunny at first. In the west, it will be foehn at 22 to 30…

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Heatwave continues: This is what the weather will be like in Austria on Wednesday

A heatwave is currently in full swing. It was already extremely warm yesterday – today, it could even reach 33 degrees. “Intermediate high pressure and a south-westerly current will dominate the weather in Austria in the middle of the week. This means that the sun will shine from an almost bright blue sky in most parts of the country. Local cumulus clouds, which will mainly appear over the Alpine peaks during the afternoon hours, will remain mostly harmless and the risk of showers and thunderstorms will therefore be low,” predicts…

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